Chpt 26: Pieces

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It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. The sun shining brightly outside, Dice was greeted with this lovely view as he woke up.

He was feeling good and happy about how well it went last night. The guests were pleased, they made a ton of dough, and made his boss happy. Dice got ready for today and head downstairs, a smile on his face. Some of the crew was up, probably because some were still tired of cleaning all of that mess. The Casino was jammed pack last night! Wheezy can be seen, sitting down on a chair with a cup of coffee in his hand "G'mornin' Boss" Wheezy tiredly greeted "Good morning Wheezy, how are the others?" Mr. Wheezy stirred his coffee "They're gettin' ready now, just doin' some check-ups" He nodded his head, still having an hour to spare, and he decided to go greet his boss.

Dice made sure he looks presentable before knocking on the door and entering it "Good morning Sir!" The devil happily greeted him "King Dice! Just in time, Im reading what the guests thought about our Casino last night, and they love it!" King Dice smiled, seeing his eyes shining in joy "Im glad they did sir" His boss smiled back, proud of his right-hand man. He was about to say something but a feminine voice calling from the Devil's room cut him off "Mr. Devil~!" Dice saw one of the guests last night, leaving his boss's room, half-dressed, full of hickeys, sitting on his lap as the demon wraps his arms around her.

Dice froze. His eyes stared in disbelief, realizing a horrible truth, his heart felt like it was being crushed into pieces.

"What are ya doing Mr. Devil?" She asked, her hands crawling towards his chest "Reading. I wanted to know what the guests think of last night" She used to hand to make him face her, putting her forehead on his "Oh, Im sure they were very pleased~" A hint of lust in her voice "Ah, Im glad I was able to satisfy them~"

Dice felt a huge wave of emotions flooding his senses, he can't take watching this anymore, so he cleared his throat "I see you caught yourself a special one, but I should be headin' out now sir, time to open the Casino" He forced a smile "Aww~ you're not going to stay Mr. King?" She asked, pulling her top down to reveal more of her cleavage "We'll have a great time together~" He shook his head "I have work to do, but thank you for the offer Miss" He gave her a little bow "I guess it's gonna be me and you again Mr. Devil~" The demon's hands crawled on her back, to the back of her neck as he leans in "Are you sure you'll be able to take it?~" Both giggles, their eyes burning with desire "You two have fun," Dice said, trying his best to not sound hurt, as he made his way to the exit.

Once he was out of sight, he tightly grabs his chest, leaning on a wall, shaking. His eyes watering, as his mind replays what he saw. He wipes them away before they can even fall 'What's wrong with me!! I-I shouldn't be acting like this! I knew I never had a chance in the first place!' He let his body slide, sitting down on the floor 'Im a fool for ever thinking about that.. a fool for letting my feelings get in the way' He started crying silently, hugging his knees '..But why.. does it hurt so much..?' Small hiccups formed, and he tries his best to be quiet. He tries to figure how what to do and how to help himself, he was lost, confused, upset, as he never experienced this kind of pain before '..Why does it have to be him..?' It was getting hard to breathe. Every hour, every second, and every moment he spent with him seemed to just break.

When his heart was beating fast, the rush, the feeling of actually falling in love. These felt so wonderful at first, the world seems to look brighter, his words and compliments sound so sweet, and his gestures and his touches made him feel like he was melting. But he got too carried away.

They will never be together.
It's impossible for a demon like him to understand all these feelings. To understand what love is. They might be close to each other, but that stops there. Nothing else will come out of it. And Dice didn't want to hope, he didn't want to believe. All the pain he is feeling was enough to stop him from ever hoping that they would be something more.

"Dice..?" He quickly wipes his tears, hearing one of his employee's voices "..Uh, Are you alright? Why're you crying..?" Mr. Wheezy, standing concerned. They might be an ass to each other sometimes, but Dice knows that he can rely on him and that he is a good friend. Looking past all those pranks, insults, cheating, gambling, and fighting with each other, they are quite close "It's nothing, Im fine.." That being said, he doesn't want his feelings and job to mix "but-" Dice stood up, not making eye contact "I'll be at the Casino in a minute" He stood up, walking past him, leaving a confused cigar.

Wheezy decided to go back and do his job, he knows Dice tend to hide almost everything, including his own emotions. It's unhealthy, yes but, that's just how he is. He likes keeping things "professional" or whatever. Wheezy made his way to the Devil's office, knocking on his door, but stopped after hearing some moans and other unpleasant sounds from him and a woman. Wheezy put two and two together, realizing something.

"So, I was right"


potato made a drawing :>

____potato made a drawing :>

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oh, and this is the reference for the background:

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oh, and this is the reference for the background:

oh, and this is the reference for the background:

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