Chpt 29: A vacation!

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The devil lays on his big, luxurious red bed. It was nighttime, and he can't sleep. His hands reach to the side. It feels like his bed is much much bigger even though it's the same size as before. His eyes blankly starring at the ceiling, a void in his chest appearing. This void is what keeps him from hitting the hay (I played too much Stardew Valley)

He doesn't know what it is, but it's annoying. He doesn't know what to do about it. Is he sick? Is he dying? Is he sad? Is he lonely? He doesn't understand any of this, and it's pissing him off a bit.

His arm reached another pillow to cuddle. It's cold here. And even with his blankets and silky pillows, it's still somehow cold. His mind trails off. Remembering the nights that Dice slept with him. It was nice. Nicer than sleeping alone, he felt comfortable, warm, and content. Maybe he just needs someone to sleep with him?

Or maybe it's because it's Dice he was with.

That cube head man. I can't emphasize how special he is. He doesn't fear me, unlike everyone. The devil's mind wanders off to that night when Dice decided to stay with him. He has the choice to do so, he can be free if he wanted to. But he stayed... Why did he stay? What benefits can he receive if he stays here? And that night when he promise that he'll never leave my side. Does he mean it? Does he care for me? Me. The Devil, the source of all evil. How can he possibly do that? He placed his hand on his chest. Why is Dice so nice to me? Is he just filling out the role of being my right-hand man? But why would he stay? The devil grumbled out loud. He can't sleep and now he can't stop thinking about Dice. All of those years that they were together, gambling, getting drunk, making fun of each other. Made a special place in Devil's life. He can't imagine his life without him. Damn, am I having a soft spot for that die?

He turned to his left, laying on his arm, cuddling a pillow. Remember how he cuddles him. He chuckles, remembering his little reactions and how he hates to admit that he likes sleeping with him. How he gets so nervous, how he looks away and blush in embarrassment, he's so adorable, he finds his reactions amusing. Unfortunately, they don't spend as much time.

An idea pops in his head.

Yeah, that's it! Let's go on a vacation!

When morning came, the devil excitedly made his way to King Dice's room. He knocked and waited a few seconds before the door opened, revealing Dice who just woke up, his clothes messily buttoned, revealing a bit of his chest. It made him feel things 'Oh, what a view~'
"..Boss? Why-.. I.. What do you need boss?" He stutters, being forcibly woken up hurts his brain "Pack your bags! We're going on a business trip!" Dice felt himself being pushed aside, seeing the devil enter his room "Uhh, what?" He took a moment to process what was happening "But where? And why so sudden boss?" The devil shrugged, looking around his room "Cuz I want to see what our competitors have, we rank on top 1 today, but the second place is catching up a bit. Now hurry! C'mon pack your sht!" The devil grew impatient and slammed his trident on the floor, forcing Dice to hurry and grab a maleta (the square bag sometimes with wheels used to store stuff when going to an airplane- It's 3 in the morning and I forgot what it's called in English).

They left Mr. Wheezy in charge of the Casino for two days. They were all caught off guard by the sudden leaving, but what can they do? He's the boss so, eh. King Dice wishes him luck, knowing full well that he's going to screw up. He didn't have the chance to say goodbye to Amelia cuz the boss was dragging him in his private plane, telling him to hurry the fck up.

When they were inside the plane, Dice remembered the times that he traveled from place to place, he admits he miss doing that "So, what's our competitor's name, boss?" The devil was reading the newspaper "Hmm, it's called Solaire casino & resort" Dice placed his chin on his palm "Oh, that place." He frowns "You know the place?" Devil raised an eyebrow "Visited them once before I stumbled in your Casino. I wasn't welcome there, they act as if Im gonna rob them or something.." He hears laughing "HaHaH!! Maybe we should! They're our competitors after all!" Dice chuckled.

When they arrived, Dice remembered something "Are you entering the place with that?" He points out that he'll attract attention if they see the devil out in the world "Ah, sht." He changed to look like a cute goat, smaller with a rounder horn, and shorter tail "Maybe you should wear something boss.." The demon grumbled, but he ended up wearing formal wear. Dice was also wearing a different suit and a black hat. Nice. "Can we go now?" He asks, a bit annoyed "Of course" They looked at the big Casino in front of them, it has another building with rooms in it. They entered the place and were greeted by the staff "Welcome to Solaire! How may I help you?" The front desk employee greeted. They got themselves a room to stay in one night "Oh and may I ask your names?" She slightly glared at Dice while asking "James" He lied "James bond" Pfft "And my friend here is Daniel Craig" She wrote down their names "Here are your keys Mr. Bond, I hope you enjoy your stay!" Dice thanked her, and lowered his voice while walking away "I told you Im not welcome here" The devil crossed his arms, a little overwhelmed with the staff "Hmm, What if we open up our own hotel?" He asked in thought "That won't be possible sir. We're too understaffed for that"

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