Chpt 33: Good old days

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I and the devil played a few games, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. The crew was stealing glances as they pass by, hoping to see what happens and patting me on the back. It's an amazing experience to gamble with someone who can kill you at a snap of a finger, it makes the game so thrilling~! And while I was in a middle of a game with the Devil, he asked something "Oh, it's so fun to play with you, Mr. Dice!" I smiled at him "And it's an honor to play with you" I flipped over my card "I win again~" He chuckles "Such skills~" He stopped my hand from reaching another one of the cards "How 'bout we raise the stakes?~" I looked up, pausing the game "I hope playing with me is enough to fill that void in your soul?~" I retracted my hand  "..What do you mean, sir?" He chuckled darkly "I know you want something, it's why you gambled with me in the first place, right?" He grabbed a card from the deck "You're desiring something that no one can offer, no money can buy and no success can ever satisfy" He flipped it over, revealing an ace of hearts, pushing it towards me "And Im here to give it to you, whatever you want, whatever you wish~ Through a final game of cards!" I took the card, gazing over it. Examining the bright red heart. So it is true. He can help me, finally, I can be fixed! Not only will I get my wish, but I will also gamble for my life. Excitement filled my body, the uncertainty of the games and the risks as stake is higher than ever! Im not an idiot, I know he will ask for something in exchange, and I know just the thing he wants~ "You're right, I guess I can't hide it anymore. I want something that only you can offer" I played with the card in my hand "If I win this next round, you'll give me whatever I want" He places his chin on his palm "And what do you offer?" I glanced at the crew, the place, the people playing games, and stared directly in his red devilish eyes "My soul sir" Some of the crew gasped, overhearing our conversation "Then you'll have to serve me 'till the day you die" I reach out a hand for him to shake, I saw his deep red eyes light up "Well, this is gonna be fun~" I guess my confidence got in the way.

In the end, despite how hard I fought I still lost.

I see him fold my soul contract, disappearing into thin air as he evilly chuckles "Your soul is mine" At this point, I was starting to feel nervous. I gambled my soul because I know I could win and because honestly, I have nothing to lose. I wasn't thinking of the consequences of what might happen if I lost, but right now, we're going to find out "What are you planning to do with me, sir?" He stood up. I started feeling a little nervous, but I try to remain calm "Oh~ You're going to suffer." I can feel his presence, eerily standing behind me "You.." I can feel his sharp claws on the side of my hand "will.." My stomach felt heavy, I started sweating in anxiousness, I closed my eyes, preparing to anything "Be my manager!" My eyes snapped open "..What?" He walked back to his seat "You heard me right!" I try to process what I heard, at least I won't be tortured for eternity, right? "You'll be working every day, 7x a week" Nevermind, that sounds like torture "B-but sir, I don't know a single thing about being a manager, and–" He crossed his arms, glaring in annoyance. They way he talks and treated me changed in a blink of an eye "Figure it out! And you better not fail me, Dice. I'll let you know that I have a special chamber for you in h3ll" He stood up and teleported away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and looked behind me 'A manager.. Of the Devil's Casino? How the h3ll am I suppose to...'

And now here we are. I've been working for him for years and now Im leaning on his shoulder as I end my story– wait Im what? "Dice! Why didn't you fcking tell me?! I had no idea you'd been through that!!" He angrily exclaimed, with a hint of worry in his tone "But that's the past now sir, it doesn't matter anymore" He grabbed his trident "To h3ll with that!! I'll murder whoever hurts you! So where the fck is he?! I'LL FCKING TEAR HIM APART" Dice grabbed his arm before he could leave and go on a rampage "Boss! It's fine, it's fine! You don't have to do that! He's probably gone now!" The devil unwillingly sat down "Probably?" The devil raised an eyebrow "I never saw him ever since.." Dice replied, letting out a long yawn after, covering his mouth with his hand. The devil stopped and observed his face. Dark circles under his tired, droopy eyes "Dice? Did you even sleep last night?" Dice tiredly wipes his eyes "No sir.. I couldn't" Guilt struck the Devil's heart. He looks away, a little worried but doesn't want to show it "Go to sleep then, have a day off" He said, Dice nods his head "Thanks boss.." He saw him lay down, get comfy on his bed, wrapping his blanket around him. The devil was about to leave him be when he heard a sniffle "..Are you cold?" Dice snuggles closer to his blanket "A little sir.." The devil lay down next to him, he can't believe he's actually feeling a little nervous "Uhh sir?" He wraps his arms around him, and pulls him closer, a small blush rose, but it was hidden due to his fur. Dice was about to pull away, but the comfort he brought lured him into sleep.

Both men slept peacefully.

ya'll I can't defeat the dog boss fight in the dlc lmao

Betting On Red {DevilDice}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum