Chpt 6: Waiting for you

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The sound of Mugman's voice woke his brother up, telling him that they are going to be wasting time if they stay even longer "Alright! Alright! Im awake Mugsy!" Mugs let go of his foot, falling on the grass "I bought some food!" Mugs gave him a hotdog, with ketchup and a little bit of mustard on top, overlapping the ketchup. I call it Kustard. Cuphead happily took it "Golly! Thanks, Mugsy!!" After they ate it, Cup went for seconds. After that they went to collect the souls, they fought Beppi the Clown, causing Cuphead to throw up mid-battle, and scaring Beppi to jump into the second phase, literally. Cuphead called it "Strategy" after they defeat him.

They moved on to another boss, and another, and another until they collected everyone. The time was 2 pm. This means they only have a few hours left to defeat everyone in the last isle.

Mugman's anxiety started going up and up until they stood in front of the train that almost killed him "Oh! It's you two idiots! Where are you off to?" "We can give you a ride!" "This train is for dead people only, but we can help you with that!" He gulped, but he felt his brother's hand holding his, making him relax and feel safe. He nods his head to his brother, Cuphead showed them their contract "Were here to collect your souls" The whole gang laughs at them "HAHAHHA!!! You?! Collecting us?!" "Oh no! Two kids are going after our souls!" "My nonexistent legs are shaking!" Cuphead glares at them, and pointed a finger at them, summoning a magical bullet. This made the laughing stop, replacing it with a smirk "Oohh~ They're serious about this fellas" The head of the train evilly glances at Mugman "Alright, we'll play for a bit, but this time... I will kill YOU" He pointed at Mugs, causing him to take a step back "Catch us if you can!" The train started moving, as the brothers hopped on the cart next to them to catch up.


The cart is moving quickly, and so is the blue Spectre, he laughs as he threw some eyeballs on them, they were extremely slimy, so they tried their best to not touch it. Suddenly, a frickin' pink lookin' soap object that fell from the sky, hit Cuphead on his head "Ow! Hey!!" He jumped and shoot it as much as he could, but it flew away. The object was really heavy, and it hurt. Cuphead ducked down to avoid getting hit and shoot the ghost's face causing it to lose. Something from the sky fell again, making the cart that they were standing on, move forward, catching the brothers off guard. Mugman tripped and almost fell off the cart but luckily his brother caught him. The next boss was twins. The obstacles were getting more difficult, some flying ghosts kept following them, but when they shoot them, they throw a pink object that can hurt them, similar to the soap. One of the twins suddenly vomited electricity from his mouth, shocking the brothers, pun intended. Before he realized it, a flying ghost bumps into him, pushing him to the electric causing a high frequency of electricity to travel his fragile body. He fell into one knee, his body shaking "Cuphead!" Mugman cried, but he was pushed off of the cart because of one of the ghosts. His foot got stuck between the fast-moving railings causing him to twist his ankle, he screamed in pain, but he went near his brother to grab and throw themselves out of the cart, they escaped the fight, with only one health.

Laughs can be heard in the distance, as the train disappeared deeper into the cave "C-Cuphead! Are you-" A sharp pain struck Mugman, he yelps in pain while Cuphead lays on the ground, unresponsive. Mugs crawl towards his brother, gently shaking him to wake up, tears building up his eyes "C-Cuphead! Wake up... please" No matter how much he tries shaking him, he remains still. He tried listening to him if he still have a pulse, he tried everything to wake him up, but his efforts were futile.

So he waited...

And waited...

...And waited...

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