Chpt 23: Shifting gaze

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Dice woke up the next day with a horrible headache. He feels like crap and he doesn't want to leave his bed. He barely recalls anything that happened last night, he decided to shrug it off. He unwillingly opens his eyes to see what time it is but saw the Devil beside him. Surprised, he quickly sits up, finding himself in his bed again. A bright blush covers his face 'What am I doing here?! How did I end up here?!' He looked down, he was fully clothed, not that he was expecting to see himself naked or anything. Pssh, of course not. Dice swings his leg to the end of the bed to leave, but was stopped by a hand "Why are you always in a rush to leave?" The devil grumbled, his voice lower than usual, it made Dice's heart beat quickly "Umm.. W-well, cuz' it's Saturday today sir" He hears the devil sigh "Stay" Dice was about to argue but his hand was suddenly pulled and found himself trapped between the arms of his crush. His face couldn't be any brighter, he couldn't face the man in front of him, so instead, he hid his face on his chest, his heart was beating so fast. They shared a quiet moment before Dice decided to break it "Uh, sir? How did.. I end up here?" Devil thought for a bit "Well, you were really drunk last night, and me, being such an amazing boss, decided to let you sleep here" His voice was gentle, tho a bit rough, Dice wanted to listen to it the whole day "I see, did I said anything.. questionable?" He hears chuckles "Like how you were still embarrassed about the kiss and decided to drink 5 bottles because of it?" Dice mentally face palmed himself "Oh, ahah, yeah.. I was a bit embarrassed and I wanted to forget about it" The demon's ear went up "So you couldn't forget about it?" Dice's eyes went wide and pulled away, realizing how that sounds "Oh! No sir, it's not like that- what I meant was-" Devil started laughing, as Dice frowned, realizing he's just messing with him "I have a job to do" "HaHahAhA!! Im just messin' with ya Dicey! C'mon!" But Dice was already standing "I really should go, sir, it's already 10 am. And thank you for letting me sleep on your bed" The demon pouts, a bit annoyed that he's back to being professional, a pity that they couldn't spend much time with each other "Uugghh, fineee, leave alreadyy"

Dice closes the door behind him, letting his face calm down and taking a breathe of fresh air. He teleported to go to his room cuz he didn't feel like walking all the way through there. He took a shower, changed and ate something before going to work "Ayeee!! Good mornin' King Dice!" Chips cheerfully greeted "Good morning Chips" He continued walking to go check if the Casino is ready for today but was stopped by Mr. Wheezy "I hope ya had an amazin' sleep, Mr. King Dice!" He gave him a friendly smile, which confuses him a bit "What the h3ll do ya want Wheeze?" Wheezy chuckled "Ohh, nothin'~ Just greetin' my ol' boss that's all!" He continues smiling, which weirded Dice out "He's awake!" "Good morning boss!~" Pip and dot chuckle "Ooh~ how's sleep?" Pirouletta sneaks behind him, smiling deviously "Pirouletta! You too?!" Dice stepped away from them "Seriously, what the fck?" Dice asked, a bit annoyed "Weell, we heard ya cryin' last night ta boss, and apologizin' to him cause ya... kissed him?" Sht. How the fck did they know that? Dice started regretting drinking with them "It was an accident, Wheezy" Wheeze rapidly nods his head "Mhm, yes, yes I hear. Buutt that's the reason why you were drinkin' a lot last night, rigght?" Dice started getting nervous, he doesn't want to tell anyone about it especially cuz' he literally just found out he likes him. And plus, he doesn't want them telling it to anyone! Especially to the big cheese! "What are you getting at?" He narrowed his eyes "That maybe you have a tiny crush on him..?" Dice kept his cool, and shook his head "Absurd. I thought you all would know that I don't swing that way, plus I have a girlfriend, whatever theories you may have, drop it" He walks pass them "Now, go back to work. Wheeze, open the Casino" Everyone groaned in disappointment, paying Phear leap while he was happily smiling, which Dice noticed, disappointment in his face "You made a bet about it?" Everyone ran away to do their job, not answering the Manager. Dice let out a sigh, no one has to know what happened or how he felt. His reputation is on the line, and so is his relationship with the boss.

im at school writing this cuz imma 'bout ta graduate :D
also, i really like this chapter's title, i thought of it while writing at 1 am

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