Part 25

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Locking the shed, my hands continue to shake. "You okay?" Daryl asks looking at me concerned. "Yea." I reply. "Don't lie to me." Daryl mutters. "His group. They threatened to take me, threatened to kill Rick, Glenn, and Hershel, then take me and the farm." I admit looking at Daryl.

The look on his face was pure rage. "I'm gonna kill him." Daryl mutters. "Daryl stop. It wasn't him. Both of the guys who threatened that are dead. The guy who shot me is dead." I state looking him in the eye. 

Daryl sighs nodding his head as he looks around. "Daryl I'm okay." I state placing a hand on his arm. "We need to talk to the group." I add. "Come on." he says nodding his head and pushing me to go in front of him.

Approaching the group, they all look over to us. "Boy there's got a gang, thirty men. They have heavy artillery and they ain't. lookin to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead. And our women-" Daryl says looking at me for a second. "They're gonna wish they're gonna- they're gonna wish they were." Daryl states.

Looking at the group Carol is the first to speak up. "What'd you do?" she asks. Daryl glances at his hands for a moment. "Had a little chat." I answer. "No one goes near this guy." Rick orders. "Rick, what are you gonna do?" Lori asks. 

Taking a deep breath, I lean against the wall. "We have no choice. He's a threat, eliminate the threat." Rick states. "You're just gonna kill him?" Dale asks. "It's settled, I'll do it today." Rick states before he walks away, Dale hot on his trail.

Looking at Daryl's hand, I notice the blood. "Here, let me clean up your hand." I sigh grabbing a bottle of water and a clean rag. Daryl looks at me cautiously for a moment before giving me his hand. 

Once his hand is cleaned up. I let him walk away as I put the rag in the dirty clothes. "You two are very fond of one another." Carol states as thunder roars in the distance. "Well, you gotta be close with everyone nowadays." I sigh. "But you're very close with Daryl. I don't see you that close with Shane." Carol observes. "That's because Shane is a ticking time bomb." I mutter.

Carol looks at me carefully for a moment before she shakes her head. "You know Daryl cares about you. We've all seen it." Carol admits. "No he doesn't." I reply shaking my head. "Fallon, he'd walk into fire fo you. The second you guys weren't back yesterday morning, he was ready to jump in the car and drag you back by the hair." Carol informs.

Laughing at the woman I shake my head. "Daryl, is my friend. Just like he is your friend, and Rick, and Lori, and so on. There's nothing special happening." I sigh. "But you want there to be something?" Carol asks. "In a perfect world, maybe. But this, this world is cruel everyone you love gets ripped away." I answer. 

Carol looks at me sympathetically for a moment. "But love is what keeps everyone going. You can't completely shut it out." Carol states. "I loved my siblings and they were torn away from me. I loved Sophia as well, and she was taken. I can't keep losing people." I sigh before walking away towards the house. 

As I sit on the porch Dale approaches me. "Fallon, do you have a moment?" he asks. "Yea, what's up?" I ask looking at the older man. "Do you agree with this? With Rick killing that boy?" Dale asks. 

Taking a deep breath I look down at my hands. "I don't know." I reply honestly. "It's a yes or no. You either agree or you don't." Dale says unimpressed. "There's so many factors in this Dale. If he finds his group, we're all dead. If we let him stay with us, how do we know he won't hurt anybody? You didn't see the way he talked about those girls his group raped." I state.

Dale looks at me carefully. "Did he rape them?" he asks. "He claims that he didn't touch them, but the look on his face made me think he wanted to." I sigh. "You're letting fear control you. This is a boy, a human being!" Dale exclaims. "I don't know what you want to hear from me! You asked my opinion and I gave it. I don't blame him one way or the other. This is our group, our family we have to protect! This isn't like before where they'd go to prison, they find us we're dead." I state.

Dale scoffs before walking inside. Sighing I stay in my spot on the steps while others come up and hang around the house due to a meeting with all the adults. "Let's gather up." Rick states holding the door open for everyone. 

Looking over, I watch Carl and Lori approach. "Come on, Carl. I want you to stay with Jimmy." Lori states. "But- but I wanna listen." Carl states. "Hm-mm no this time." Lori denies as I enter the house.

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