Part 12

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Sitting around the big room, Jenner pulls out little blood capsules to do our blood tests with. Everyone does so willingly until we reach Daryl. "You ain't stickin that shit in my arm." Daryl states. "Daryl you have to so we can stay." Lori pleads. 

After a few moments of listening to him complain I approach Daryl and Jenner. "Let me." I sigh pushing Daryl into a chair. "Watch it!" Daryl grumbles. Taking his arm, I feel for a vein before holding my hand out for Jenner to give me the needle connected to the capsule. "You were a plebotomist?" he asks. "Doctor, worked in the emergency room most nights, sometimes they'd send me to L and D if they were short staffed." I answer.

Sticking Daryl with the needle, he finches slightly. "Really?" he mutters lowly. "Quit being a baby." I mutter before pulling the needle out and holding a cotton ball to his arm. "You're next." Jenner states looking at me.

Sitting next to Daryl, I hold my arm out and look away as he sticks the needle in my arm. "You okay?" he asks as I begin to feel faint. "Yea. I'm fine." I reply quietly. He nods moving onto Andrea who sits in front of him. "What's the point, if we were infected, we'd all be running a fever right now." Andrea asks.

Jenner sighs looking at the woman. "I've already broken every rule in the book letting you all in here. Let me just at least be thorough." Jenner answers. Andrea stands after and becomes dizzy. "You okay?" Jenner asks. "She hasn't eaten in days. None of us have." Jackie answers.

Jenner looks at us all for a moment before standing. "I suppose I should show you to the kitchen then." he states opening the door and leading us down a hall. "Feel free to have whatever you can find." Jenner states leaving the group to their own devices. 

Sighing, I sit in the corner of the room alone, not wanting to talk to anyone. "Found some whiskey, figured you'd want some." Daryl states handing me an unopened bottle. "Thanks." I mumble. 

Downing several sips of the drink, I hardly notice when Shane brings me a plate. "You should eat too." he states before going back to the group. Nodding my head, I quickly eat the pasta ready to hide away from the group.

Finally after a while of ignoring the group, Jenner decides to show us to the living area. "Most of the facility is powered down including housing, so you'll have to make do here. The couches are comfortable, but there are cots in storage if you'd like. There's a rec room down the hall I think you kids might enjoy. Just don't plug in the video games or anything else that draws power." Jenner states.

Standing up, Jenner looks around at all of us. "Same applies, if you shower, go easy on the hot water." Jenner finishes before everyone disperses to their own rooms. I enter one small room dropping my nearly empty bag on the couch before taking another gulp of the whiskey.

A knock on the door frame pulls me out of my thoughts. "You okay?" Daryl asks. "I'll be okay." I sigh. "Mind sharing?" Daryl asks. "Sure, but I get the couch." I state. "Go take a shower." Daryl scoffs exiting the room to find a cot.

I quickly find a pair of clothes in my size. A loose green tank-top, black jeggings, and a grey flannel shirt. After finding the clothes, I quickly remove the one's I'm wearing and climb into the shower.

Sitting in the floor of the shower, I let the hot water rolls down my body as I let the tears fall. It's not long before I finally pull myself up washing my hair and body. I dry off and quickly use mouthwash to rinse my teeth and mouth somewhat.

Exiting the bathroom, I find Daryl laid out on a cot. "Shower's free." I mutter drinking more of the whiskey. Daryl scoffs playing with his knife. "Whatever." he mutters not moving. I lay on the couch for a few minutes before feeling sick to my stomach and racing to toilet. I vomit until nothing is left in my stomach. 

Feeling a hand on my back, my hair is moved away from my face. "Get out." I mutter between vomiting. "If I leave, someone else will be in here." Daryl threatens. "Why do you care?" I ask once I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet. Daryl shrugs. "I know what you're going through. Losing your family, it's horrible." Daryl states.

Letting the tears fall, I lean against the wall. "Everything's gone to shit. I-I can't do this anymore." I sob. "Hey, you're not alone anymore. You have all of us. You have me. I might not be your brothers or sisters, but I'm here for you. But if you tell anyone I said that, I'll shoot you in the ass with an arrow." Daryl states causing me to laugh lightly.

Daryl helps me up off the floor before we walk back into the room. "Get some sleep. You need it." Daryl states softly. Nodding my head, I grab a blanket and lay on the couch. "Good night Daryl." I whisper as he turns off the light. "Night." he replies.


Looking around, I realize I'm at the quarry again. "Hello?" I call out walking through the camp in the dark. "Hey! Where is everyone?" I call out walking up behind Olivia. "You let us die." she states turning around. 

Gasping I take a step back bumping into another body. "You let them kill us." Liam states in his walker form. "No! I tried! I-I tried to save you." I plead letting tears fall down my cheeks. "You let Charlotte become a walker! You let mom kill her!" Olivia screeches. "You killed us!" Emma and Noah state holding hands as they stare at me.


Gasping, I wake up in the CDC. Standing up I go to walk to the door. "Fallon?" Daryl calls out softly. "S-sorry." I stutter trying to catch my breath. "You okay?" he asks. "I-I- no." I cave letting tears fall. 

Sliding down against the door, I hold my head in my hands. "I'm not okay." I whimper. Daryl who is clearly drunk makes his way over to me helping me up. "Come on, you need to sleep." he mutters with alcohol fanning his breath. 

Caving in, I lay on the cot with him. My back pressed against his front as his breath fans across my neck. "Go to sleep. Nothing's gonna get you." Daryl whispers wrapping an arm around my waist holding me close.

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