Part 38

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Day 161

I'm awoken by a strong body on top of my own. "Oh, look sleeping beauty woke up!" an unrecognizable man grins. I attempt to get out of his grasp as my heart begins beating quickly. "Now now, honey. If you want your group to live, you're gonna please every single one of my boys." the man grins.

Shaking my head, I continue fighting against the man. "Help! Daryl! Rick!" I scream loud enough that hopefully everyone could hear me. "Oh, honey. The men ain't down there. Just your women, and old man, and the little boy. Maybe one of them women would like to take your place?" he taunts. 

Tears form in my eyes as I shake my head no. "Good, now I'm gonna let go of your hands and you're not gonna fight back or each of them ladies down there get it." he growls before releasing my hands.

Looking around the room, I realize my weapons must've been downstairs or in the vehicles. "Actually, let's tire her hands. I'm sure she might enjoy it." the man grins evilly. A tall overweight man approaches grabbing my wrists and ties them together tightly. 

The first thing the men do is remove my clothing wether from cutting it off or pulling it off, it doesn't matter because soon I'm left to the mercy of the cold room and the four men surrounding me. 

The supposed leader approaches me with a grin. "Looks like we've gotten ourselves a prize here gentlemen. I refuse to look at the men or show any emotion as they touch me multiple times. "Oh, where's that fight you had? Give it up?" the leader asks pumping himself next to my face. "Well my dear, we're all gonna have some fun." he chuckles before pushing himself inside me without any warning.

The whole ordeal lasted for what felt like days but only lasted a few hours. "Cut her loose. We'll find them again when we're ready for some more." the man grunts as they all pull their clothing on once more.

When my hands are released I stay in the same position waiting for them to all exit before I slam the door shut locking it. Tears flow down my cheeks as I release all my emotions. "Fallon!" Lori exclaims from the doorway. "Fallon, open the door!" Rick calls out as everyone bangs on the door. 

Running to the closet I quickly pull on an oversized shirt and open the door to reveal everyone. "Give us a minute." Maggie states urging the group to walk away reluctantly as she closes the door. 

She takes a step towards me only for me to step back. "No! Please." I flinch. "I-I'm sorry." Maggie says as I sink down the wall. "Fallon. I need to know for sure. Did they rape you?" Maggie asks firmly. 

Dropping my head into my hands I begin sobbing. "Fallon." Maggie whispers horrified. I continue sobbing for a moment before Maggie begins speaking. "I'm so sorry, but you're alive. You survived. We're going to change your clothes, and fix your hair, and then we are going to go down stairs to the group." Maggie states.

Shaking my head, I attempt to back further into the wall. "No. I can't." I cry. "You can. We are going to go out there as if nothing ever happened and then tomorrow we will find the men who did this." Maggie states. "No. I-I can't." I whimper. "Yes you can, and you will. You have to." Maggie urges.

Standing shakily from my spot, we enter the closet finding clothes in my size. I quickly grab a new bra and underwear putting them on quickly. Looking at my waist I spot all the bruises shaped as handprints fueling my newfound anger.

I grab a pair of black skinny jeans pulling them on along with a long sleeved black shirt. Pulling on my black boots, I quickly pull my long red hair into a braid before showing my face downstairs long enough to grab my weapons.

Rick quickly approaches me. "Fallon?" he asks. Ignoring the man, I walk out the front door holding my weapons. "Fallon, stop!" Rick orders as the group follows me. Ignoring the man, I follow the trail from the men who attacked me. "Rick stop, she needs to do this." Maggie sighs.

Following the trail, I keep an arrow notched in the bow prepared to shoot at a moments notice. It takes a few hours after then sun falls for me to find the group. Looking around their small camp, I quickly realize they're all sleeping. 

Raising my bow, I shoot one in the head before pulling out my knife and stabbing them one by one until they're all dead and I'm coated in blood. The final man looks at me gurgling on his own blood. "You did this." I mutter kicking him over on the chair. Deciding I had my revenge I turned around making my way back to my group.

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