Part 55

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Day 306

Standing around the cell block, the candle's illuminate a tiny bit of light. I lean against the wall next to Hershel as Daryl stands on the opposite side. Rick approaches standing next to me while holding Judith in his arms.

Smiling at the infant who was currently wide awake, I almost miss when Daryl begins speaking. "Some reunion, huh?" he asks. "She's in a jam." Rick states. "We all are." Hershel agrees. "She's persuasive. But this man's armed to the teeth. Bent on destruction." Hershel adds.

Looking up at Rick, I nod in agreement with Hershel. "So, what do you wanna do?" Daryl asks. "We match it. I'm going on a run." Rick states handing me Judith. "I'll head out tomorrow." Daryl states. "No, you stay here. Keep an eye on your brother. I'm glad you're back, really, but if he causes a problem, that's on you." Rick states. "I got him." Daryl replies.

Sighing, I rock the infant in my arms. "I'll take Michonne." Rick states. "You sure that's a good idea?" Daryl asks. "I'll find out. Thought about taking Fallon, but you need the wound healed before you go anywhere." Rick states as I look up at him.

Handing the infant back to her father, I look at the rest of the group. "I'll take watch. If Carl's gonna go with you, he should get a good night's sleep." I state grabbing my bow as I exit the cell block.

Carl looks over to me as I open the door. "Go get some sleep." I whisper not to disturb the walkers. "I'm on watch though." Carl replies. "You're going on a run with your Dad tomorrow. I'll keep watch." I reply patting the boys head.

The night passes quickly before Glenn comes to relieve me. "Go get some sleep. You've been up all night." he sighs patting my shoulder. "Thanks." I sigh heading into the prison. 

Walking into the cell, I notice Daryl sitting on the edge of the bed putting his shoes on. "I'll be out in a minute." Daryl grumbles. "You don't have to." I sigh sitting next to him. "I'm sorry for how I've been acting. I just- I didn't- you didn't say goodbye. You were my person and you didn't say goodbye." I admit looking at my hands.

Daryl sighs, placing a hand on mine. "I didn't want to leave you. For what it's worth, I came back for you." he states before grabbing his crossbow and going to the door. "Get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us." he states leaving me to myself. 

Removing my shoes, I lay down pulling the blanket over my body as I hold Daryl's pillow to my chest and quickly fall into a dreamless sleep.


Day 330

It's been a few weeks since we had seen the governor. Today Rick, Hershel, Daryl, and I are going to meet with the man and Andrea. Things haven't been perfect between Daryl and I, but we're better than we were when he first came back. 

Rolling to a stop, Daryl and I climb off the motorcycle standing before the old mill we were told to meet at. "Stay with Hershel. If we need to make a run, you get him outta here. Daryl and I'll catch up." Rick whispers. "Got it." I reply standing next to the open window where Hershel sits.

Sighing I look over to Hershel. "Hop in, I'll drive us around." Hershel states. Nodding my head, I climb into the green vehicle and allow Hershel to drive us over. "He's already in there. Sat down with Rick." Daryl states walking up the the car.

Climbing out of the car, I move to stand next to Daryl while looking around. "I don't see any cars." I observe. "It don't feel right." Daryl states. "Keep it runnin." he adds. 

Suddenly the sound of a vehicle approaching catches our attention. "Heads up!" Daryl announces patting the car. I turn just as Daryl aims his weapon at the car. A large vehicle approaches us and I spot Andrea in the passenger seat.

Daryl approaches angrily watching as Andrea climbs out of the car along with a man with glasses and another Latino man. "What the hell? why's your boy already in there?" Daryl asks keeping his aim locked on glasses. "He's here?" Andrea asks. "Yup." I mutter.

Andrea sighs clearly annoyed as she goes to enter the building. "Put it down." I sigh pushing Daryl's bow down. Leaning against the car with Hershel, I keep an eye on the two men from Woodbury.

Around an hour passes as Daryl continues pacing. Nobody has said a word to one another. "Maybe I should go inside." Hershel sighs. "The Governor thought it best if he and Rick speak privately." Glasses states.

"Who the hell are you?" Daryl asks causing me to internally groan. "Milton Mamet." glasses answers. "Great. He brought his butler." Daryl taunts. "Daryl, stop." I groan. Latino chuckles as Milton goes back to writing. "I'm his advisor." Milton states.

Looking at the man I decide to try to make small talk. "What kind of advice?" I ask. "Planning. Biters. Uh, you know, I'm sorry. I don't feel like I need to explain myself to henchman and his plaything." Milton states. "You better watch your mouth, sunshine." Daryl snaps. 

Latino shakes his head. "Look if you and I are gonna be out here pointing guns at each other all day, do me a favor, shut your mouth." Latino states. Daryl gets in his face as the two men size each other up. "We don't need this. If all goes south in there, we'll be at each other's throats soon enough." Hershel states as I grab Daryl's arm and pull him away from the man.

Sighing, I watch as Andrea exits the building and sits on a bench. "Try not to start any fights." I mutter walking away from Daryl to sit with Andrea. "Everything okay in there?" I ask. "If by okay, you mean them not coming to an agreement. Then yea." Andrea sighs.

After a few moments, I watch as Milton steps forward. "There's no reason not to use this time we have together to explore the issue ourselves." he suggests. "Boss said to sit tight and shut up." the latino man states. "Don't you mean the Governor?" Daryl taunts. "Daryl." I warn.

Milton shrugs. "It's a good thing they're sitting down, especially after what happened." Milton states. "They're gonna work it out, nobody wants another battle." Milton states. "I wouldn't exactly call it a battle." Daryl replies. "I would call it a battle, and I did. I recorded it." Milton announces holding up his little booklet. "For what?" Daryl asks.

Looking at Andrea, we both shake our heads annoyed with the men. "Somebody's gotta keep a record of what we've gone through. It'll be a part of our history." Milton states. "It makes sense." Hershel sighs. 

Milton quickly looks down at his booklet. "I've got dozens of interviews-" Milton begins just as walkers growl in the distance. "Let's go." I mutter as Andrea and I make our way to kill the walkers.

Daryl looks at the man as we find several walkers approaching. "After you." Daryl mutters. "No way. You first." Latino replies. "Men." I mutter walking past the two and throwing my knife into one walker's head while Andrea kills another.

Grabbing my knife, Andrea and I walk away from the men letting them deal with their shit. "Why do they always have to act like toddlers?" I ask. Chuckle Andrea shakes her head. "They both have a huge ego. That's why." she answers.

Sitting around for another few hours, Rick and the Governor finally exit. Both silently walk to their respective vehicles. "Fallon." Daryl calls out. Nodding I climb onto the bike behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso as he turns on the bike.

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