Part 23

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Looking at Tony's dead body, I swallow the shot. "Holy shit." Glenn whispers. "You all right?" Rick asks turning to look at me. "Yea." Glenn whispers. "Hershel?" Rick asks. The old man nods before the three men turn to me. "I'm okay." I state giving a thumbs up.

"Let's head back." Hershel states. Rick grabs the weapons as I make my way to the door quickly. I look at the window as headlights shine inside. "Car. Car!" Rick whispers. "Get down!" he orders quietly. 

Hearing the engine stop, I give a look to Rick and Glenn before quietly moving to hide behind the bar. "Dave? Tony? They said over here?" a man calls out. "Yeah." a second man replies. "I'm tellin you man, I heard shots." a third voice states. "I saw roamers two streets over. Might be more over here." the second man states.

I watch their shadows move across the windows as they continue talking. Rick and Glenn take turns looking out the window for any sign of the men. I watch as the three men group up while I stay hidden.

Suddenly three gunshots ring out and the three men are back against the wall. The shadows get larger as they approach the door. Glenn quickly sits in front of the door stopping the people from opening it.

I hear the men yelling but can't make out what they're saying. "They drew on us!" Rick yells out. "Dave and Tony in there? They alive?" a man asks. "No." Rick answers. Like a few moments ago, the talking gets quieter and I can't make out their words. "Your friends drew on us! They gave us no choice!" Rick yells out. "I'm sure we've all lost enough people, done things we wish we didn't have to, but it's like that now. You know that!" Rick calls out. 

Nervously, I scoot around to where I have something between me and the windows. "So lets just chalk this up to what it was- wrong place, wrong-" Rick continues until a shot fires through the window above Glenn's head.

Rick stands firing out of the window. "Get out of here! Go!" Rick yells. He drops to the ground as soon as Glenn and Hershel take cover. Hershel slides a rifle to Glenn as I hold onto my knives, one in each hand.

"Hey! We all know this is not gonna end well! There's nothin in it for any of us!" Rick yells out loading his gun. "You guys just- just back off, no one else gets hurt!" he continues. Silence ensues as Rick nods to Glenn and I. 

We quickly go to the back door and peek out. Only the door leads to a storage room. We quietly move down the steps with two creaking loudly. Looking at the back door, we see the outline of a man. "Shit." the man mutters.

I look at the door knob twisting. Glenn panics firing at the outline and busting out the window. "Glenn! Fallon!" Rick calls out. "W-We're all right! We're all right!" Glenn calls out as we take cover.

We hear footsteps behind us and Glenn turns around aiming at Hershel. "Glenn, put it down!" I whisper yell. Hershel holds his hands up for a moment before Glenn lowers the weapon. "Sorry. Sorry." Glenn huffs breathing heavily.

Hershel looks at the two of us for a moment. "Rick wants you to try for the car." Hershel whispers. "Try?" Glenn asks. "You'll try and succeed." Hershel states. "Fallon and I will cover you." Hershel states. "That's a great plan." Glenn mutters unconvinced. 

Pushing the door open, Glenn looks out while I load an arrow. It's silent aside from crickets chirping throughout the night until shots are fired from behind Glenn. I quickly step out and release an arrow just as another bullet flies in my direction grazing my torso. 

"Ah!" I gasp falling back. The man with the arrow is heard groaning as Rick runs over. "What happened?" he asks placing a hand on my shoulder. "He fired." Hershel replies. "He hit Fallon, must've hit Glenn too." Hershel states. 

"No, he's behind the dumpster." I grunt pulling myself up. "Doesn't look like he's moving." Hershel panics. "You hit?" Rick asks moving towards Glenn. "Are you hit?" Rick asks again. "No. No." Glenn gasps.

Sighing I look over. "I'll make the run." I state looking at the three men. As the four of us move, more shots are fired. I quickly hide next to the building. The other group starts yelling about leaving. A loud thud is heard before screaming and tires squealing 

Looking down, I realize my shirt is soaked in blood. "Fallon, get to the car. Glenn, get Hershel." Rick orders before running off. I brace myself against the wall as I use different objects to support my weight until I'm seated in the truck. Closing my eyes, I quickly fall asleep. 


Day 60

"Fallon, Fallon." Glenn says shaking me awake. "We're back." he states as I look around to see the farm coming into view. "I'll have Patricia stitch up your stomach before we tend to the boy." Hershel states from the front. 

Everyone comes up to the vehicle as I stumble out, my shirt soaked in blood. Stumbling, I run into T and Daryl. "Fal-Fallon." T exclaims as I struggle to keep up right. I feel two arms wrap themselves around my legs supporting all my weight. "What the hell happened?" Daryl asks as my vision goes black.


I wake up to a searing pain. "Ah!" I cry out hunching over. "Hold her down." Patricia orders. I feel two hands on my legs and two more on my shoulders. "Stop! Please, stop!" I cry out in pain. "Fallon, hey, hey, you're okay." Daryl says softly looking into my eyes from above.

My vision is blurred by tears. "You're lucky the bullet didn't go any deeper. It was lodged in the muscle." Patricia says softly. "We'll take a break, okay? You cannot move though." Patricia stresses. 

Nodding my head, I take a deep breath. "What happened out there?" Daryl asks softly. "W-we got ambushed." I gasp. The two men go silent as Patricia returns to continue stitching my muscle and skin back. 


Resting on the couch in the living room, I listen to Rick updating the group. "We couldn't just leave him behind. He would've bled out, if he lived that long." Rick states. "It's gotten bad in town." Glenn mutters.

Sighing I look out the window. "What do we do with him?" Andrea asks. "I repaired his calf muscle as best I can, but he'll probably have nerve damage. Won't be on his feet for at least a week." Hershel announces. "When he is, we give him a canteen, take him out to the road, send him on his way." Rick states.

I hear the door croak open and look to find Daryl entering the house. "Isn't that the same as leaving him for the walkers?" Andrea asks. "At least he'll have a fighting chance." Rick replies. "Just gonna let him go? He shot Fallon, he knows where we are." Shane states.

Looking at Shane I shake my head. "The guy who shot me is dead, I made sure of that." I wince. "He was blindfolded the whole way here, he's not a threat." Rick adds. "Not a threat? How many were there? You killed three of their men, you took one hostage, but they just ain't gonna come lookin?" Shane argues. 

Rick shakes his head becoming annoyed. "They left him for dead. No one is looking." Rick retorts. "We should still post a guard." T states. "He's out cold now, will be for hours." Hershel announces. 

Shane stands irritated. "You know what? I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy. Look at this folks- we back in fantasy land!" Shane scoffs glaring at me. "You know we haven't even dealt with what you did at my barn yet. Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for all- this is my farm. Now I wanted you gone, Rick talked me out of it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. So do us both a favor- keep your mouth shut." Hershel orders.

I watch as Shane shakes his head before slamming the door open and storming outside. "We're not gonna do anything about it today. Lets just cool off." Rick sighs. Everyone leaves quietly and I watch Daryl storm out of the house.

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