Part 2

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Day 45

Today was a long day, from doing laundry, to going for a hunt, and then returning to this shit. My mother was found. "I want my baby, where is she?" Mom states as I return to camp. "What?" I ask placing a protective hand over Charlotte. 

She walks up to me quickly. "Give me my daughter." she states. "No." I reply. "I want to raise her." she states. "Well how about you finish raising the rest of your kids first?" I ask looking at her angrily. 

I walk past her holding Lottie closer to me if it was possible. "No! You can't do this!" mom exclaims. "No! You can't walk out of their lives and then just walk back in taking your pick of the litter! That's not how this works!" I state angrily.

Ed takes this moment to step forward. "She wants her kid, give it to her." he grumbles. "Shut up Ed, this isn't about you." I state looking back at my mom. "You didn't take care of them! I did! And I did a damn good job! They did it, they made it through school no thanks to you because. you weren't here!" I state letting tears form.

She looks at me sadly. "But I'm here now. It's got to count. But Charlotte belongs with her mother." mom states tearing up. "She doesn't even know who you are! Emma and Noah hardly know who you are!" I exclaim. "I'm their mother!" she cries. "You were my mother too!" I yell letting the tears fall.

Walking away from the woman, I wipe the tears away before going to where Daryl and Merle went. "You okay?" Merle asks as he and Daryl look up at me. "Fine." I mutter sniffling. "No crying over here. We don't get into that emotional shit." Merle states making my chuckle.

It's silent as we work until Lottie begins crying. "We'll I'll leave you two to do your thing. I should probably go make her a bottle." I sigh making my way back to the RV. "Lottie hungry?" Lori asks bringing me a bottle already prepared. "Thank you." I smile softly. "Here I'll feed her for you so you can eat." Lori smiles as I hand over the baby.

Sitting around the fire, I grab a plate of sausage and beans before sitting down. "Really? You're handing off the baby? I thought you wanted to be her mother." Mom states. "No, I want a mom who actually cares." I mutter. "Well you know what, I never wanted you for a daughter in the first place!" She yells. "Where have you been the last ten years? You dropped Noah and Charlotte off at the door with a note! You never came home!" I snap. 

Shane takes this moment to take me away from the woman. "Come on, this isn't the time." he sighs walking me to a different part of camp. "Look, I know this is hard. You've been playing mom for all these kids and now she's back. If she wants to be their mom again, let her. She'll leave eventually." Shane sighs. 

Nodding my head, I take a deep breath. "Go with Daryl on his overnight hunting trip. Merle is going on a run to Atlanta and by the time you get back, she'll probably be gone." Shane states. "Okay." I sniffle. 

Turning around, I grab my weapons from my tent before going to the meeting spot with Daryl. "No baby?" he asks confused. "No baby." I confirm sadly. He nods looking at me for a moment before we head into the woods. 

Walking through the forest a few miles, we shoot several squirrel. "Ya quiet." Daryl states. "Nothin to talk about I guess." I sigh throwing a knife at a squirrel killing it instantly. "Ya mom, she came back?" Daryl asks. "She left when I was eighteen. Before that she was always drunk, at the age of six I was taking care of Liam and her when she was too drunk or high." I mutter. "I'm sorry." Daryl sighs. "It's okay. I figured the way you and Merle act, somethin similar happened to you two." I state causing him to tense up.

Continuing in silence for a moment, I decide to elaborate. "Not the same thing but, Merle is very chatty, has an outgoing and very annoying lifestyle. You on the other hand are silent when he's around. You flinch away when people get too close. You don't want to get attached." I state softly. 

Daryl looks at me for a moment. "You don't know shit about me." Daryl mutters. "I know, but that's what I've observed on our hunting trips." I reply. "I don't blame you though, everyone leave eventually." I state softly. 

By nightfall, we decide to make a camp by a river. Falling into a pattern, Daryl and I quickly skin and preserve the meat we got today. "I'll take first watch. You need sleep." Daryl mutters. "Don't let me sleep too long." I sigh laying on the ground with my jacket being used as a pillow. 

Letting the tears silently flow, I drift off into a dreamless sleep. No cries to wake me through the night. No children coming to me over a nightmare. Just pure sleep.


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