Part 42

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Day 191

Standing at the fence, I keep a tight grip on my knife. "Ready?" Rick asks. Nodding, he throws the gate open allowing the group in as Hershel closes the gate behind us. I stay between Daryl and Maggie on the end. 

One by one we take out the walkers. We make it to a door that Rick pushes open quietly before looking around the corner. "Shit." he whispers throwing himself against the wall. Looking over towards the dumpster, I spot walkers dressed as guards approaching.

Two more come around the corner and Daryl shoots an arrow only for it to hit the mask and bounce off. "Really?" I ask looking at the man confused. We attempt killing the walkers quickly. "Daryl!" Rick calls out as he tackles a walker. 

Running forward, I grab the hooks as Rick and Daryl close the gate. I quickly clip it shut before turning around and being tackled my a walker in guard uniform. Pushing the mask up, I quickly stab a knife into the walkers chin. "Fallon!" Daryl calls out before kicking the walker off my body.

Taking his hand, I stand up breathing heavily as the walkers lie around dead. Glenn runs over towards the rest of the group. "Stop!" Rick calls out. "Well, looks secure." Glenn mutters. "Not from the looks of that courtyard over there. And that's a civilian." Daryl states.

Sighing I stretch my arms out. "So the interior could be overrun with walkers from outside the prison." T sighs. "Well, if there's walls down, what are we gonna do? We can't rebuild this whole place." Glenn states. "We can't risk a blind spot." Rick sighs.

Looking at the group I nod in agreement with Rick. "We have to go in." I state much to the groups displeasure. Rick opens a gate and we make our way inside prepared to find walkers. Looking around, I realize it's empty.

I step around the room looking at all the garbage laying around. Looking up at the guard tower, I begin making my way up the stairs with Rick behind me. I come to find a dead security guard who had been shot in the head.

Taking the keys, I hand them over to Rick nodding at him. We make our way down the steps and towards Cell Block C. Rick quietly unlocks the door however, it squeaks as it's pushed open.

Looking in the cells, I realize a majority are empty with only dead bodies as I go up the stairs. A clang is heard from one side as Rick and Daryl join me up the stairs. I start walking in front of the two men past one walker. Before a second one grabs me pulling me towards the door. 

Pulling my knife up, I quickly stab it in the head. "You good?" Daryl asks turning my around and looking over both my arms where the walker had grabbed me. "Yea, I'm okay." I reply softly. "Let's get these bodies outta here." Rick sighs. 

Helping the two men, I drag the dead out of the cell to Daryl who shove them off the side to T. Daryl and I stand at the top of the stairs. "We sleep in the cells?" Beth asks after Rick greets the group. "I found keys on some guards. Daryl has a set too." Rick states.

Shaking his head Daryl looks down at the group. "I ain't sleepin in no cage. I'll take the perch." he grumbles. Sighing I walk into one of the cells sitting on the bottom bunk after placing my bow and arrows on the top bunk. 

Daryl comes over standing in the doorway. "Tired of me already?" he asks. "Kinda thought you might be tired of me." I reply with a grin. "Nah, but I ain't sleepin in one of these." Daryl mutters. "Well, I don't blame you. But it feels nice to be off the ground." I sighs laying back on the bed.

Shaking his head, Daryl approaches the bed and lays next to me. "You're more than welcome to stay here with me." I laugh. "I swear, you and Carol have your minds in the gutter." Daryl grumbles. "You're just easy to mess with." I laugh. "Mhm. Get some sleep." he sighs sitting up and placing his blanket from last night over me. I watch as he exits the room going to his mattress on the floor. 

Laying in the dark, it's not long before I give up on sleep and exit my cell. "Fallon?" Daryl asks with a yawn. "Sorry." I sigh turning to go back to my cell. "What's wrong?" he asks. "I can't sleep." I whisper. "Come here." He sighs moving a blanket off his body for me to slip under.

Placing my head on his chest, I listen to his heartbeat. "You know we're safe here, right?" Daryl asks playing with my hair. "Yea. I-I just, what if something happens?" I ask. "Like what?" he asks keeping one hand on one of my arms and the other in my har. 

Sighing I look up at him. "What if something happens to one of us? What if someone comes in and destroys everything?" I ask worriedly. "I'll do everything I can to keep you safe. I made a promise to you that I intend to keep." he sighs. 

We stay quiet before I allow his heartbeat to lull me to sleep.

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