Part 61

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Day 420

Pacing around outside, I stop and place my hands on my knees. "Fallon?" Carol asks coming up to me. "I-I'm sorry." I gasp breathing heavily. "Fallon, you need to breathe." Carol warns. "Carol I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Everything is so much harder now, if you thought it was hard to keep people alive before, we just lost a woman while she was giving birth!" I exclaim. 

Tears flow down my cheeks. As I begin spiraling. "Fallon." Maggie calls out. "Get Daryl and Caleb." Carol orders as I struggle to catch my breath. "What's going on, Fallon?" "Fallon, slow down." voices call out. 

Struggling to breathe, I shove the hands reaching for me away. "Stop! Go away!" I exclaim. "Fallon! Stop!" Daryl calls out. "Go away!" I yell as I back away from the group. "Grab her arms." Caleb orders. "What?" Daryl asks. 

Backing away, someone grabs my arms from behind. "Let me go!" I exclaim breathing heavily. "This'll knock her out a few hours." Caleb states injecting a needle into my arm. "I'm sorry." Caleb states as the world goes black.


Day 422

Waking up, I feel a hand holding onto mine. "Hey somebody get Dr.S!" Daryl yells noticing my eyes open. "What happened?" I mumble tiredly. "Ah, she's awake." Caleb smiles. "You slept for a little over two days." Caleb states holding the stethoscope over my lungs and heart. 

Yawning, I look over at Daryl who has a grim look on his face. "What happened?" I mumble. "You had a mental breakdown. Lack of sleep. So I gave you a shot of midazolam." Caleb states. 

Looking away from Caleb, I take a seep breath. "Do you remember what happened?" Caleb asks. "No." I answer shaking my head as I try to think back. "Jen died giving birth." Caleb states. "Oh my God." I whisper realizing what happened. "I'm so sorry." I gasp looking between Daryl and Caleb. 

Daryl sighs placing a hand on my shoulder. "It wasn't your fault. You were in what's called sleep deprivation psychosis. This caused your brain to distort reality severely." Caleb informs. "So what happens now?" Daryl asks.

Sighing, Caleb leans against the wall. "Take her to get food and then take back to her cell, well your cell. Let her sleep as long as she'd like." Caleb answers. "Could I skip the food?" I ask with a yawn. "No. If you go much longer without food, it'll cause more problems. Go eat." Caleb answers.

Taking Daryl's hand, I allow him to help me up and over to the cafeteria. "Fallon!" Sasha exclaims with a smile. "Hi." I reply tiredly. "Sit, I'll get your food." Daryl orders. "I'm glad to see you're okay." Carol smiles. "Look, Caleb and I need help. I know I said it wasn't a huge deal, but apparently it is." I mumble. 

Glenn sighs next to me. "We're already on it. After what happened, we can't force you and Caleb to go non-stop." Sasha agrees. "So what's the plan?" I ask as I take the bowl from Daryl. "Well, we found two people who actually want to learn. So I figured if you could train one and Caleb could train the other." Hershel answers.

Nodding my head, I look at my food. "Speaking of Caleb, he probably needs a break." I mumble. "Don't worry about that, we have it all covered. You just get some food and sleep." Daryl states eating his own food. 

Sighing, I rest my head on Daryl's shoulder. "Speaking of, everyone saw how you stayed with her the entire time." Glenn smiles. "What?" I ask sitting up and looking at the Korean. "Daryl sat by you the entire time. Had to bring him food or he wouldn't eat." Carol smirks. 

Daryl grumbles beside me for a moment. "So when are the two of you just gonna come out and say it?" Rick asks after sitting at the table. "Say what?" I ask taking another bite of food. "That you two are a couple." Sasha asks.

Nodding my head, I finish my last piece of dinner. "That is a question for him." I state patting his shoulder as I go to leave. "Where you goin?" Daryl asks catching my arm. "To sleep. I'm still tired, probably will be for the rest of my life." I smile. 

Daryl nods releasing my arm as I walk back to our cell. Moving the tarp to the side, I quickly change clothes into a pair of clean leggings, a thin long-sleeved blue shirt. Sitting on the bed, I think about everything. 

Since we had been here we got actual beds into the cells. The first night we had them, everyone actually slept well. Today, it seemed like a threat, that my life would end if I laid in bed and slept.

Staring at the bed, I hesitate moving towards it. "You're still awake?" Daryl asks stepping into the room. "Uh, yea." I reply. "Everything okay?" he asks removing his bow and jacket. "Something's not right." I answer looking around the room. 

Daryl turns to face me as I continue to stand in the same spot. "Fallon, you need sleep." Daryl sighs. "I know. But something's not right. I don't know what it is, but it's something." I sigh looking into his eyes. 

Before I can say another word, I hear a scream in the tombs. Running, I leave Daryl where he was and track down the scream. "Help!" a scream echos through the tunnel as I stumble upon a girl being torn apart by walkers.

Shoving one away, I grab the girl's knife and stab it in the head just as the other is killed by Glenn. Looking over the girl, I realize she's just suffering. There's nothing we can do to save her. 

Looking up at the council members, I shake my head no. "Damn it." I curse standing up as Sasha finishes off the girl. "What happened?" Hershel asks as I look at the walkers. "No bite marks on either of them. Must've died on their own. There's literally nothing that could've killed them." I state shaking my head. 

Shaking my head, I look at the others. "We need to make sure everyone else is accounted for. There's no telling if they got anyone else." I yawn. "Okay, you go to sleep. We can handle it." Carol states. "But-" "No, she's right. You need sleep, you're training one of the girls tomorrow." Daryl agrees.

Rubbing my face, I shake my head. "I swear, sometimes I hate ya'll." I mutter walking back to my cell. Changing out of the blood soaked clothes, I decide to go to bed in just a t-shirt and my underwear knowing it'll only take a minute to get dressed in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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