Part 11

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Day 48

We arrive at the CDC just before dusk. "Climbing out of the vehicles, I decide to leave my bow in the truck only taking my nearly empty backpack and throwing knives. The smell of dead bodies was overwhelming almost causing me to gag.

Shane and Rick take the front while I stay in the back with Daryl. "All right everybody, keep moving." Shane whispers loud enough for us to all hear him. "Stay quiet, let's go." Shane continues.

Rick and Shane continue to keep the group moving as I turn to watch for any sign of walkers moving about. "Nothin." Rick mutters. The two ex cops continue attempting to enter the building with the shutters down. "There's nobody here." T states.

Rick looks around as everyone begins panicking. "Then why are these shutters down?" he asks looking at T. "Walkers!" Daryl calls out as I turn to move to the back of the group. Everyone begins panicking more as Daryl and I take out walkers. "You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl yells looking back at Rick.

Grabbing my knives I run back to stop Daryl from attacking the man. "He made a call!" I argue pushing him back away from the cop. Daryl then turns his anger to me. "It was the wrong damn call!" Daryl yells. "Shut up. You hear me, shut up." Shane states pushing Daryl back even further.

Shane turns back to Rick. "Rick this is a dead end." Shane states. "Where are we gonna go?" Carol asks nervously. "Do you hear me? No blame." Shane states. "She's right we can't be this close to the city at dark." Lori exclaims. "Fort Benning, Rick- it's still an option." Shane states. "On what? No food, no fuel, it's a hundred miles the other direction." Andrea states.

Turning around I decide to continue my attack on the walkers. I kill around five before Shane orders everyone back to the vehicles. "Come on." Daryl mutters pulling my arm to go. "Take Carl please!" Lori exclaims leaving her son with Daryl and I.

Urging Carl to keep a hold of my hand, we start moving back to the cars. "What about mom!" Carl exclaims. "She'll be right behind us, she's just getting your Dad." I reply keeping him close to me. We turn around to a loud screeching noise revealing an open door. 

Entering the building, I continue to keep Carl close by until we reach Lori. "Hello?" Rick calls out into the dark corridor. We hear a gun cock to reveal a single man in the doorway to a different part of the building. "Anybody infected?" the man calls out. 

Looking at Rick, I take a deep breath. "One of our group was. He didn't make it." Rick states. "Why are you here? What do you want?" the man asks. "A chance." Rick states. "That's asking an awful lot these days." the man replies. "I know." Rick sighs.

The man looks at us for a moment as we all just take a moment to breathe. "You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." the man demands. "We can do that." Rick states. The man lowers his gun before pointing at the doors. "You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once those doors close, they won't open again." he states.

Daryl, Shane, Rick, and Glenn run out and grab all the bags before returning allowing T and Dale to close the doors. "Vi, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here." the man states into a communications device.

Rick holds a hand out to the man. "Rick Grimes." he states. "Doctor Edwin Jenner." the man replies. We follow him to an elevator that we all climb into. "Doctors always go around packing heat like that?" Daryl asks referring to the gun. 

Jenner turns to look back at us all. "There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself. But you look harmless enough." the Doctor admits. He looks down at Carl for a moment. "Except you. I'll have to keep my eye on you." Jenner states causing Carl to smile.

Once we get off the elevator, Jenner leads us down a hallway. "Are we underground?" Carol asks. "Are you claustrophobic?" Jenner asks. "A little." Carol mutters. I place a hand on her shoulder. "Try not to think about it." I state softly.

Entering a large room, Jenner calls out to whoever Vi is. "Vi turn on the lights in the big room." Jenner states. "Welcome to zone five." Jenner states. "Where is everybody?" Rick asks. "The other doctors, staff?" he adds. "I'm it." Jenner answers making my heart sink. "It's just me here." Jenner adds.

Sighing I look at Daryl nervously. "What about the person you were speaking with? Vi?" Lori asks. "Vi, say hello to our guests. Tell them, welcome." Jenner states loudly. "Hello guests, welcome." Vi states. "Artificial intelligence?" I ask looking at the doctor. "I'm all that's left. I'm sorry." Jenner states nodding at what I said.

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