Part 37

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Day 120

Christmas morning we all wake up to an excited Carl. "Good morning." I yawn while stretching out my arms. "Let's open the presents!" Carl exclaims looking at all the items wrapped in the corner by the fireplace. 

Daryl comes to sit next to me placing an arm around my shoulders. Things between the two of us had gotten much better after my birthday. We actually spoke to one another again, went hunting every day even though we typically didn't find much and occasionally I'd have to save him from a walker or two.

Carl takes a small box up to Carol. She opens the box to reveal a new set of knives. T got a new machete. Rick got a new gun. Lori got some baby clothes. I don't pay much attention to the others until Daryl grabs his from Carl.

Sitting up, Daryl unwraps the quiver I had gotten for him a few weeks ago looking over it carefully. "Are those the same marks as your jacket?" Carl asks. Looking over Daryl's shoulder I smile. "Yea, it is." I answer with a soft smile. 

Next Carl brings me a box as well. Peeling the paper open, I open the box to find a whole new bow with brand new arrows. "Well, now you don't have to complain about your bow not working right." Daryl sighs sitting back as I admire the new compound bow.

Running my fingers over the black metal, I look over to see the black arrows as well. "You probably got the best gift." Carl states looking at his comic books. "Well aside from me, I have comic books now." he adds.

Laughing at the boy I shake my head. "Well, whoever got me this, thank you." I smile. "Yea, thank you." Daryl chimes in. Rolling my eyes at the man next to me, I look out the window noticing a herd of walkers making their way towards the house from the back yard. "We need to get out of here quick." I mutter.

That was the last time we spent more than a week in a place. If only we knew of a place to hide away from walkers.


Day 160

It's been over a month since we had a place to hide out in for longer than a few days. Sitting on the back of Daryl's bike, I begin feeling nauseous. 

Tapping him lightly, he begins to slow down quickly. The second we stop, I rush to the side of the road and begin to throw up. "Is she okay?" Carol asks running over as the rest of the group approaches. 

Sighing I wipe my mouth. Hershel approaches placing a hand against my forehead. "She's running a fever. Do we have any medicine?" the old man asks. "Here." Lori states handing over a bottle of water and a bottle of pills. 

Taking the medicine, I quickly swallow the pills. "Okay, we need to find somewhere to hide out a few days." Rick mutters. "I'll be fine." I grumble tiredly. "Fallon, you're sick. You need to rest." Lori argues. 

Shaking my head, I look around at the group. "I'll be okay." I state quietly. "You always say that." Glenn argues. "But I'm also right too." I smirk. "There's a town a few miles up. If we can make it there, we could clear out a house. Hold up there for a bit." T suggests.

Looking at the group, I could tell worry was evident in their faces. "We need somewhere to hold up for longer than a few days." I sigh. "What do you mean?" Glenn asks. "We can't keep moving from house to house. We need something more permanent." I answer.

Rick nods his head. "Who knows how long it'll be before we can. We need you healthy first. After you're better. That's our top priority." Rick agrees. "We need to keep moving. These bastards are gonna keep popping up regardless." Daryl mutters shooting one in the head.

The sight of blood, sends anything remaining in my stomach to be brought forward as I begin vomiting again. "Oh, honey." Carol sighs holding my hair back. "Let it all out." she says softly rubbing my back as well. 

Once my stomach has calmed enough, we begin to move again until we reach a rather large house. Standing from the bike, I wobble slightly from dizziness before walking towards the door. "Wait out here." Daryl states softly as he stops me. 

Giving in to him this once, I sit against the tire of the car. "Fallon, you're gonna be okay." Beth says softly as she places a hand on my shoulder. "Here, let's get her inside." Rick states as he and Daryl exit the house. 

Daryl quickly scoops me up in his arms before taking me into the house. I hardly notice when I'm placed on a soft mattress. "She's gonna be okay. She's tough." Carol says softly. "She's gotta be." Daryl sighs as footsteps exit the room.

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