Chapter 52: Screaming and Crying

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Sonny led Maddy to the pond where they had laid fully in love the previous Monday. In the 7 minutes that it took to get to the spot, they hadn't said a word. Utter silence mocked them and danced in circles around them while Maddy struggled to not fall without Sonny's help.

Sonny took a seat on a rock at the spot and they turned their torches off as the moon was bright enough to see each other clearly. She looked up at Maddy who stood in front of her. When they were apart for the past 50 hours or so, Sonny only wanted to scream at Maddy for all the shit she caused. But now that they were face to face, Sonny had trouble opening her mouth looking right into Maddy's eyes.

Sonny asked incredulously, but much calmer than earlier, "So what did you want to tell me?"

Maddy swallowed the lump in her throat and focused on the girl she loved, her mix of fury and sorrow returned. Maddy crossed her hands across her chest and said, "You know you act like you're such a sweet person, so pure, so fucking innocent. But you never were any of it. You're acting as if all you did was stand and wave!"

Genuinely lost, Sonny muttered, "What?"

Maddy didn't hear it. She continued ranting, "You knew so many people liked you and wanted you and you went around just... making them thirst more! And that's why people got jealous and told about us to Nate!"

Sonny was expecting something a little deeper. She confusedly shouted, "I have no fucking clue what you're talking about!!!"

She also increased her volume, "I'm talking about that day you sat in for my practice! And after practice everyone was like "Oh my god, Sonny is so sweet!" "She's so cute!" and then when we were about to leave, you went in and told them all goodbye being all flirty!"

"How was is that flirty?!"


"Since when?!? Plus, it's not my fault y'all interpret being nice as flirty!! I literally thought, "oh, they like me. I have new friends. I should tell them I'm going because I thought we'd all meet out together again but hey, we're not." SO I WENT AND TOLD THEM BYE!! It was never my intention to be flirty or anything. To me, it's practically a red flag to be flirty with others when you're in a relationship! So I'd never do it!!!"

"It doesn't matter what your intention was when everyone else understood the same thing!!!"

"Sure. Also, I didn't even know they liked liked me! I mean, why would they!? I'm not interesting or cool to them or on their level or anything. Why'd they want me?!"

"Because you are cool and funny and amazing and everything!! And... they could have even thought "oH SiNCe mAdDy LikEs SOnNy, shE MuSt bE CoOl" or some shit!"

Sonny shook her head, covered her face in her hands and groaned "Oh God..."

Maddy's voice then descended the flight she had climbed earlier. "And... if you knew that, would it have changed your mind?"

She raised her head. Frustratedly, Sonny asked, "Change my mind about what?"

"About me..."

She audibly muttered, "I hate that you're gonna make me say this." She then leaned back on the thick rock and loudly said, "Maddy, you are the hottest shit ever. I genuinely can't lie, you are a fantastic human being head to toe excluding a handful of things. I may have been like everyone else to have a crush on you, but I'm not like every other boy you've ever dated or hooked up with.

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