Chapter 22: Panicking and Morphing

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Gime ur mom's number





Joel, who heard Sonia's phone buzzing and answered the texts, ran to the bathroom where she was changing and knocked hard. "Maddy's asking for your mom's number! I think it's urgent."

Instantly Sonia opened the door wide enough for him to see a strip of her eyes and asked, "What??" Everyone, including Sam who had joined for the trial session, followed from Sonny's bedroom and gathered in front of the bathroom.

Joel gave her the phone.

"You texted for me?! How did you ev-"

"Leave that! Read her text."

Sonia closed the door and leaned against it.

My mom and I had a fight

Now she wants to talk to your mom


She's pissd


Without thinking, Sonia sent the landline number. Mamma won't like me giving strangers her number without asking.

Jake yelled through the door, "Is everything alright?"

Sonny started putting on the next outfit and yelled back, "She and her mom got into a fight and, I guess, she's pissed about her going on a date."

Sam yelled, "Why's that?"

Evie whispered to Sam, "Her date's the girl who got assaulted by Nate Jacobs."

He whispered back, "The younger Jacob?"



Sonny opened the door to reveal herself in a lime green floor-length chiffon dress. While everyone was blown away by how Melissa's dress seemed to perfectly fit her, Sonny said, "Maddy just got out of an abusive relationship two to three weeks ago. So, I'm gonna assume that her mom is looking out for her."

Sam was the first to use his voice. "Baby sister you look fab..."

"I'm not a baby."

He matter-of-factly replied, "You're Baby Sister #1 and Becca's Baby Sister #2. She's not here, so you're Baby Sister!"

Sonia rolled her eyes, "Blegh..."

Tony said, "Point is, you should wear dresses like this more often. You look stunning."

"Yeah," said Joel, "You could literally replace 90s' Angelina Jolie." Melissa slapped his hand from the side. "Ow! It's the truth!"

She sighed. "Yeah..." said Melissa sadly, "It looks way better on you than it did on me."

"I'm sorry... but don't worry! I'm not gonna wear it," said Sonia.

"Why?!" the six people in front of her cried together.

"Because it's not my style! Maybe if I were a spy or something, I'd dress like this. But not for a party, event or date."

"I'm pretty sure Maddy would want to see this though," said Evie.

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