Chapter 26: Couple Costumes

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It got quiet again for a while before Sonny noticed the moving shadows at the door. Sonny quietly tapped on Maddy's shoulder and whispered into her ear. "Don't react or shout at them, but your parents are watching us."

"What?!" she whisper-shouted as she moved away and took a look.

Sonny moved away and whispered again, "I suggest we pretend everything is fine between us."

She asked, "..Do you want things to be fine between us?"

"If you do too, then, yeah!" she answered, a smile sprouting from her lips.

"Okay." Maddy said with big smile.

Seeing Sonny sitting before her in a suit "to please her parents", simply fidgeting with her hands in silence instead of making a move or having eager eyes, made the fairy lights in her room turn on while the main lights faded. Maddy was actually falling but she didn't feel heavy for the first time in a long time.

Suddenly Maddy felt a pang of guilt and got an idea for one final test. The main lights came back up, dimming the fairy lights a bit.

She looked down at her nails and said loud enough for Sonny to hear but not her parents, "Sonny?"

"Yeah?" she replied at about the same volume.

"How would you feel if I told you that ...I've had sex with guys other than Nate?"

"Uh... I would be.. surprised, I am surprised. But it's fine... Like, it's not any of my friends right?"

"No! I didn't know they existed till yesterday!" she replied, raising her voice a bit.

She softly chuckled and said, "Ok... and... are you friends with any of them? Do you have contact with them anymore?"

"Nope! The second we orgasmed, I blocked and ignored them."

"And... is our relationship gonna be an open one like... your previous one? Because I-I don't think I'll be able to emotionally bear that."

"Of course not! I fucked those dumb fucks out of hate for Nate. He doesn't know." If he did... things would get bad.

Sonny shrugged and casually replied, "Then it's fine."


Sonia smiled warmly, "Yeah."

The main lights dimmed and the fairy lights got brighter.

Could this bitch be any more perfect? Straight up outta fucking movie. Like, I will become the most patient bitch out there for her. In her normal volume, she said, "......You know what? Fuck it. I want to date you, because why not. But on one condition..."

"And what is that?" she asked humoring Maddy at the same volume.

She timidly replied, "you need to be forgiving... because I think I'm quite annoying and, you know, I'll take time to adjust to a... non-abusive relationship. ...You're not like that, right?"

Sonny was disgusted by such a horrendous assumption. "What?! Never! I can't even imagine being remotely like that fuckwad!"

"Ok, good.... But if I ever drive you mad or annoy the shit out of you, please tell me. Don't worry about my feelings, just tell me."

"Of course." Nope. I will not make the stupid decision of telling her that without thinking.

It got quiet. Sonny's disgusted expression dissolved quickly into another one and she still didn't say anything. So Maddy got scared and asked, "Is.. everything alright?"

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