Chapter 18: At the Lake

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They walked for about five minutes over a few shrubs and beyond a few trees before they reached the lake in silence. Should I tell her now? Tell her what, that I like her or that I don't wanna work? The fact that I don't want to work is only problem to her if she knows that I like her, so I should tell her that I like her first. ...Or I can just ask what's her opinion on those who don't want to work and how she feels about dating such people. That's SO MUCH better.

"This our lake!" announced Sonia as they stood in front of pink water glimmering under the sunset sky. Maddy sat down on the shore with her legs crossed while Sonia took off her shoes, pulled her black sweatpants up to her knees and sat on the shore dipping her legs in with a grin on her face. Maddy smiled seeing Sonia's toddler energy. She would've resembled one completely if it weren't for the beer bottle.

After a few seconds of quiet and staring at the scenery, Maddy softly said, "Thanks for getting me out of there."

"You're welcome. .....I'm sorry that they made you uncomfortable. I thought I gave them enough training but I guess it wasn't enough."

She looked at Sonia. "What training?"

Fuck. "Uh... Training.. to be kind to everyone regardless of who they are? Like that."


It went quiet again till Maddy quickly asked, "So what do you think about people who don't want to work?"

"..Why're you asking?"

"I asked first."

"Uh... okay. It's... okay as long as you're not.. an able person being a liability to whomever you're living with. So if their paycheck is big enough to cover you and your bills or if you're an investor or shareholder or you can make cash without doing much, it's fine. Or else you gotta do the bare minimum and help around the house. But otherwise, they would be quite horrible."

"What if they don't want to work at all?"

Sonia lightly chuckled, "Dude, even when being a sugar baby, you're gonna have to"

Maddy chuckled nervously, Sonia didn't notice. And I lost that chance with him. Is that why I actually stuck with Nate? Can't be cuz I never that about it. Maybe I didn't need to think about it because it was understood. Subconsciously. Anyways, going back to him isn't worth it. 

"Now you answer me. Why are you asking me my opinion?"

"I don't know. I just.. think you're a very intelligent person. So I wanted to know what you think," Maddy said holding her knees to chest and resting her head atop them.

"...Did they psych you out?"

"No, no. They were trying to help me and I got thinking and... that's all."

"Still, I'm sorry on their behalf."

Maddy didn't know what to say. Should I tell her? I should ask her out. No, I should ask her if she's dating anyone. "So, are you dating anyone right now?"

"That's random. Why do you wanna know?"

"I'm tired talkin' about myself."

Sonia looked at Maddy, her waves of black luring her in. Sonia looked back at the lake, took a sip and said, "I'm single now."

"So you've dated before?"

"Yup, a guy before my lesbian awakening and a girl. I won't tell you who though."

"Do I know them?"

"I... don't think so. But they're in East High."

"And she woke up the lesbian in you?" asked Maddy, adding a smile attempting to not make it weird.

"Well, I always liked girls but I just never knew that it was a romantic attraction or anything stronger than... platonic attraction, friendship. Until I talked about it with my bros and they were like, "Yeah bitch you're gay..." and I was like, "Oh. Okay!" Getting with her confirmed it. And that was it."

".....So did you... ever bring your exes here?"

"Nope. My amazing friends scared her away before I could bring her."

"So is me being here a problem?"

"No! ...You're here as a friend. ..Right?" She hoped she wouldn't say yes.

"..Yeah!" Maddy looked away from Sonia and kept her view set on the lake glimmering lake.

"So they don't mind." They'll be so happy when they find out. They will be sayin' in their minds at least, "I told you so!" I'm sure. "They invited you as a friend..." The both of them lost the color in their voices.

After a few minutes of crickets chirping and the sun getting under the folds of the horizon in slow motion, Maddy asked, "So your uncle's shop. Is it far from here?"

"Nope. Just a fifteen-minute ride to the city from here."

"And what kinda shop is it?"

"A meat shop. He's a butcher."

"Oh! Uh... have you worked there before?"

"Yeah. Over the summer. And not to be creepy, but it is satisfying as hell to cut meat. Like, I will NEVER eat chicken again but I sure as fuck will cut 'em up and sell 'em." Seeing Maddy's shocked eyes, Sonia asked, "You're not vegan or vegetarian right?"

"No..." she chuckled, "But you sounded creepy as fuck." They lightly laughed.

"I didn't mean to but it's just cool. An easy way to let stress escape, to keep the homicidal rage at bay."

"Ah, I understand. The feminine urge to go on a murder spree is hard to resist."

"A woman of the world, I see." They laughed.

The insects gossiped amongst themselves for some while again before Sonia asked, "Shall we go back? I think they're waiting for us."

"Okay," she replied softly.

Sonia got up and held out a hand to help Maddy get up, again. Maddy took her hand and pulled herself up, again. Sonia didn't wanna make Maddy feel weird, so she let go. Again.

Maddy felt her heart slip down a stair. I wanna hold your hand! It's not soft but still!  She saw Sonia, a few steps ahead, struggle to walk without her shoes. Perfect. "Teddy!"

Sonia stopped and turned around with a grin. "What?"

Maddy got closer, "You want to squeeze my hand instead of breaking the bottle?"

She chuckled, "No, I don't wanna hurt you."

Maddy took the bottle in Sonia's left hand into her own left hand, taking Sonia's now free hand. "You can't hurt me." They took a good look at each other.

They both wanted to kiss each other so hard that nobody who came across them would be able to say that they were two people, but they didn't know the other felt the same way. So they walked back to the cabin in silence, cherishing every second and every ridge in the other's hand.


AN: I hope you liked the chapter!!! If you did, leave a vote!

         You can follow me on Instagram @tis_i_persephone for updates!

         The next chapter comes on Wednesday. And till then,


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