Chapter 21: Peeking and Screaming

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Maddy woke up at 10:30 am to find only Joel on the mattress next to Melissa, the others were gone. She slowly got out of the blanket, not disturbing the couple, and opened the cabin door to hear screams. She figured it was from the lake and ran to it to have her worries float away. She saw the four of them coming out of the lake, drying themselves and laughing.

Sonia saw her standing at the edge by the trees, slowly walking towards them. "Maddy! Is that you?"

Maddy waved in response, she was busy catching her breath to reply.

When Maddy got closer, Sonia wished her "Good morning" and Evie, Tony and Jake followed suit.

"Good morning guys. Phew! ...I got scared when I didn't see all of you."

They chuckled. Sonia said, "Sorry. We didn't wanna wake you."

"It's okay."

"We were gonna come back but did you wanna swim?"

"No. I didn't pack a swimsuit."

"Oh okay. Let's go back then?" she asked her friends. They nodded and got up.

They woke up Joel and Melissa and left the cabin by 11 and had breakfast at a diner. Maddy and Sonny didn't tell the others of what happened the previous night and Tony and Jake didn't tell them that they knew. So when the four of them were all too smiley, the others suspected something was up. 

As soon as Sonia saw Maddy close the front door to her house, she called Tony and told everyone in Jake's car everything. Maddy did the same with her best friends the second she closed the door. Sonia's friends gathered at her home and Maddy's got together at hers, all of them were excited.

On Sonia's side, they'd just finished finding good and affordable places to go for the date while on Maddy's, they'd just finished arranging ensembles for different scenarios, like casual, skating or formal, and gone to the kitchen to grab a few snacks.

Sonia texted Maddy the list of places and the girls squealed at the dining table. "Oh my god!" "She's letting you pick the place!"

Sonia Perez, who finished her morning shift at the salon and came home early to go to church, came to the dining room hearing the girls' reaction to what she thought was a rat.

From the entrance, Mrs. Perez asked the girls crowded around her daughter, "Why are you children screaming?"

The girls looked up and Maddy immediately answered from the head of the table, "Nothing. Just some... celeb gossip."

Mrs. Perez suspiciously hummed an 'okay' and the kids took their eyes away from her to focus back on the phone with golden words. She took a bag of chips for herself and when she was about to leave, she noticed that they forgot her presence in the room. So she went over to chair where the girls were crowded and peeked from behind at Maddy's phone in the name of fun, but her chill mind came undone. They didn't notice that Mrs. Perez was there until, into Cassie's and Kat's ears mainly, she screamed, "IS THAT A BOY?"

The crowd disappeared and watched the events that unfolded from the sidelines.

Maddy looked up to see her mom standing on her right, her phone slammed to her chest for hiding. "No Mama! It's just a friend!"

"You're going on a date with a friend?"

"No. It's... complicated."

"Give me that phone," she uttered the second she put her hands on Maddy's phone.

"No Mama!!" Maddy screamed when her mother's stronger palms snatched the phone. Maddy pushed out of the chair and Kat and BB pulled her back from attacking her birth-giver. Kat whispered, "Do you wanna get fucking smashed into a wall?? Stop for a sec. She might be fine with this since it's not Nate."

Maddy and MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang