Chapter 46: A Picture of Us

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Daniel took Maddy to the cassette-maker to check if it was in a good condition, he insisted. Once the maker confirmed that it was in a condition to be used, he dropped her off at her place.

After he side-parked in front of her house, Maddy unbuckled the seat belt and was about to get out when Daniel, looking at the road ahead, said, "You're lucky to have Sonia in your life. She's a nice kid."

Her right hand left the door handle and joined her left hand in holding the cassette. "Yeah, she's cool. But I don't think she wants to be in my life anymore."

"Hope for the best."

"I guess." 

She said that and reached for the door handle again when he asked, "Do you think you'll be jealous of me one day?"

Maddy chuckled, "Why?!" and turned around to face him.

He smiled. "I don't know, maybe I'll steal her from you one day.

"She's a lesbian, Daniel."

"Fuck. ...there's no chance of her being bi??"

Maddy said, "Oh, fuck off." and they laughed.

Maddy finally made it out of his car and gave him a friendly smile and a wave before getting in her house. On the way to her room, her dad called out to her. "Hey Maddy!"

She rolled her eyes and redirected her path to the living room. "What happened?" she asked harshly.

He looked at her and asked, "Where's that girl of yours? Sonny. Haven't seen her around for a while?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

He shifted his view back to the TV. "I liked her. She's nice," he softly said.

Maddy murmured to herself, "Tell me about it."

"Did you say something, mija?"

"Nothing," she said and headed to her room.

What is this with everyone telling me NOW how nIcE she is???


Maddy changed into a pair of grey sweatpants, leaving the Queen t-shirt on. She pulled her earphones out of one of the bedside drawers and sat in front of her vanity table in a rush.

She cleared the things that were sitting in the center of the desk and then slowly opened the player the way Dani, the girl who made it, showed her and took the paper out. She unfolded it to see its title, 'A Picture of Us' with small, black-outlined, red and peach hearts surrounding it.

Wait. She slammed the paper on the desk and got up to take her phone from her bed. She asked me to make a reply playlist.

She opened Spotify and made a new playlist. She bit her lips down to a frown and entered 'A Picture of Us (Maddy's version)'. 


AN: The playlist is a combination of both of their playlists in the correct order (order of the story). 

The link:

I suggest that you only listen to each song after its mentioned, so that you can see what Maddy was going through. Enjoy!


She put the phone aside for a second to carefully close the case and plug in her earphones. She took the paper again and read the description for the first song as it began.

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