Chapter 41: The Aftermath

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Melissa and Evie got Sonny to sit on a chair. Her best friends, unaware of the things that Nate said, were scolding her from one side. Simultaneously, Maddy was trying to stop them and talk to her from the other side, but she couldn't hear anything. She was taking time to process everything that happened in the span of less than 15 minutes. The noise of people screaming and running and the eyes of the people watching her didn't set in till the she unconsciously rubbed her nose with the back of her hand to feel something liquid.

"Eww Sonny! Why'd you do that?!" whined Melissa in a high-pitched voice, heading to the back of the kitchen island.

Sonny looked down at her hands to only then realize that her hands were covered with blood. A blue and white striped towel flew over her head and Tony caught it and held it against Nate's nose out of which blood trickled. Sonny was not able to hear Maddy talking to her in desperation and Melissa offered a wet towel for Sonny to wipe her hands. She looked at it for a few seconds. She then simply got up and headed for the kitchen sink. Lexi pulled Evie and Melissa aside to fill them in on what was said before the punches flew and Maddy went quiet as her fearful eyes followed her love.

The handful number of people who were still in the kitchen to watch the remaining drama moved away from Sonny. She opened the tap of the sink and began to wash her hands when she turned her head to her right and saw the Popcorn Girl.

Very calmly, as if she wasn't washing blood from her hands, she asked, "What's your name?"

The girl sweetly smiled, "You don't remember me, *chechi? You taught me in VBS last year!"

Sonny softly smiled and shook her head. "Sorry da, I don't... remember."

"Alina Varghese."

"Oh yeah! The dancer!" she said grinning.

Alina casually giggled.

"What're you doing here?"

"My friend got invited and I just crashed with her."

"No, that's not what I meant. What are you still doing here? You should go."

"No, I wanna stay to tell the police everything happened. I'll be your witness."

"Supporting or against?"

"Supporting obviously. Almost everybody supports you, chechi. They're only running because they either did drugs or are afraid of what their parents would say."

"You're not afraid of your parents?" she asked when she closed the tap.

"Not really." Sonny reached for some of the kitchen paper towel.

"Oh wow. What made you brave?"

"You? Your class?"

The small dose of the endorphins temporarily relieved her of the pain gifted by Nate. "Aww... You're so sweet," she said throwing the tissue after drying her hands.

"Popcorn?" asked the girl, two years younger than Sonny, extending the bag of popcorn.

Sonny took a handful and said, "Go home **chakkare. I'll call you and give the police your name when they ask if there were any witnesses or anything, okay?"

"You sure?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

With a reassuring smile, she replied, "Yeah. Go home straight, no stops in between, and don't tell uncle and aunty about any of this until you get called to the station, okay?"

"Okay. Take care!" she said before hugging Sonny, who hugged back with one hand and clothes having blood lightly splattered across them.

They waved goodbye and Alina left. Sonny went back to the seat, where her friends and 'girlfriend' screamed at her earlier, and watched the guys fumbling to help Nate not die. Rue, Jules, Lexi, Melissa, Evie and Maddy looked at Sonny with fear. She talked to the junior so peacefully as if nothing had happened. All of them had also just then found out that the person who almost killed the town's Golden Boy was a Vacation Bible School teacher.

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