Chapter 3: Picking Another Target

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Two days later BB, Cassie and Maddy sifted through most of the candidates. So far all the girls surrounding them either hated her, admired her for the wrong things or wasn't able to accept that Maddy really had a heart. It was confirmed by Maddy and Cassie's vague test which, of course, left rumors.

Maddy sighed with a mouth full of salad. She swallowed and said, "I'm tired. I don't wanna do this anymore."

"No, come on! There are so many more people to go through and East Highland is just the tip of the iceberg," assured Cassie softly, putting her arms around Maddy. "Don't give up now!"

"But what if I'm not a good person? What if that's why everyone's not good for me?"

BB was fed up with the state of Maddy's confidence, compliments of Nate Jacobs, and having to assure her again and again that she's a good human. So she slightly aggressively said, "So what, we're also bad people? If we see as you as a good person, then we should have the same vibe like you right? So when you say that you are bad, you also mean that we are bad right?"

"No! You guys aren't bad!" defended Maddy, "You both are sweet and good when it comes to real things."

"And you are the same. You are a beautiful young woman who has the guts to say no when she wants to and yes when she wants to. You have a power that many people don't want a young beautiful woman to possess and you use it as you please, which is against "society's order". Definitely you have made a lot of mistakes but that's just you being a teenager and enjoying life. There's nothing wrong with that! But when serious things happen, you always do the right thing. So, you know, you might not be a saint, but you are a good person. And there are a million incidents that I can pick out of my life to prove it, our friendship itself being one. Plus all those people out there are also evil for judging you so harshly or wanting you only for your body and power."

"...Wow...," said Cassie in shock, "Where did all that come from?"

BB went from serious to casual real quick and said, "My Dad's got me hooked to a podcast. I think he's gay." Both Maddy and Cassie's jaws dropped. "But that's for later. So shall we move to the next candidate?"

"Um... yeah," answered Maddy a little out of balance from the bombs dropped on her. She hugged her and said, "Thanks BB."

"You're welcome," she replied as she hugged back and smiled.

They pulled away and Cassie looked up from her phone and said, "It's my turn and I think I have a really good one. Sonia Rosenberg."

"Sonia? The girl from my bio class? She's too innocent for me," said Maddy getting back on track

"I don't think so...,"she moved her phone to her right for Maddy and BB to see, "She linked this playlist on her bio and it's a rock playlist."


"So you don't need to worry about her being innocent. People who listen to rock are dirty-minded at least to some level," informed BB.

"And she listens to Bikini Girl," added Cassie smiling.

Maddy didn't see the connection. "Which means..."

BB and Cassie simultaneously cupped their hands to her ears and whispered to her from both sides, "She's into girls!"

Maddy's eyes widened. "Wait really?" They pulled away and BB said, "Yeah. It's a new code like Sweater Weather and Girl in Red."

"Oh I didn't know about that," she blankly replied. "But I didn't know that she was into girls!"

"Yeah, dummy, cause she's not out. That's why there is a code," said Cassie.

"But shouldn't she have had a relationship with someone? I mean.. she's cool in her own way to have at least one ex."

"Maybe they kept it low key and promised to never talk about it after they broke up," suggested BB.

"What if she in a relationship right now?!" said Maddy a bit loud that many heard.

"She hasn't tagged anyone in her bio," said Cassie casually as she rechecked.

"Dude you're getting too attached to someone you don't know yet. Don't get desperate, it looks disgusting," BB pointed out.

"Yeah, there are so many people out there if she's not the one. And till we find The One, you're gonna party and have fun. With us!" exclaimed Cassie.

"Plus, we won't be able to spend much time together once you find someone."

"Oh bitch please!" scoffed Maddy, "I will always have time for my girls. I promise."

They hugged each other and Kat sat down at the table when they were 3 seconds in the hug. "What happened? Why are you guys hugging?"

"It's nothing," said Maddy, innocently smiling and letting go. "What's going on with you babes? It feels like we haven't talked since forever."


AN: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I promise it'll get more interesting next chapter. I might post it day Monday, idk. Till then, ciao!

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