Khun Nueng - Chapter 46

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Khun Nueng holds my hand to steady me. We are facing their grandmother together and she looks at us in surprise. Even though she was quiet, her eyes showed how worried she was about Khun Nueng.

"Khun Nueng." Mr. Kirk calls her excited. "You came back?"

"Are we by any chance close?" Khun Nueng fiercely responds to him. "We met, but I don't like you. I don't like your name. Why are you called Kirk?"

"By showing up here means you're back." Grandma says.

"Yes, I'm back... but not to stay. Everything remains the same. The house and the people."

"Where have you been?"

"All over the world. I have my own wings now. I can fly wherever I want."

"That's great. You look happy."

"As much as possible. It is very different from here, in this palace... with you." Khun Nueng faces her grandmother fearlessly. "When I was gone, you found another puppet. Ever get bored of controlling others in your own way?"

"Khun Nueng..." Khun Sam is trying to stop her sister, but Khun Nueng ignores her.

"I'm fighting for you, my little sister. Don't be grandma's puppet. You're here to fight for yourself, right? Why are you so weak?"

Khun Sam looks down guiltily. I walk over to her and touch her shoulder to calm her down.

"It's all right."

"I'm sorry, Mon. I'm too weak."

"Yes, you are weak. You let your grandmother hit your soft spot." Khun Nueng is disappointed in his sister. "You know very well that Grandma is calling you a debt of gratitude, which you are still carrying. So when are you going to get your own life?"

"An ingrate like you wouldn't understand. Khun Sam is a good girl."
"Sam needs to live her own life." Khun Nueng shouts to grandma. "Have you had any success in forcing people? In my case, I ran away from home. Song committed suicide. And now, with your little granddaughter, whom you say you love so much. When are you going to stop this? Or do you intend to stop when you have none of us with you!?"

"Don't blame me, it was your fault."

"I'm just the effect, but you... you're the cause. Now, you're forcing Sam to get married. Do you want to see her commit suicide to stop forcing us to do what you want?"

"Do not yell at me! You are no longer my granddaughter." She cries as she says. Then, she looks like she's going to pass out, but Mr. Kirk catches her just in time. "Get out of here... get out."

"My existence hurts you, doesn't it?"

"Get out!"

"Then I will stay." The older sister crosses her arms and looks at her grandmother. And when Khun Sam is going towards her grandmother, Khun Nueng stops her. "Is that you. Be determined. You intend to rebel, you need to do what you want. How will Mon feel to see you this weak?"

"Khun Nueng, grandma is not well right now."

"And? She's fooling you now like she did to me before. She pretends to faint."

"Khun Nueng!" Khun Sam yells at her sister and I can't believe what I'm seeing. But Khun Nueng stands still.

"Turn your back on this palace and go away. The rule that wins this game is... you need to love yourself more than others."


"Go now!"

"Khun Sam, please don't leave." Your grandmother screams as if she is sick. "If you go, I will make you disappear from my life."

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