Cancelled - Chapter 34

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Now I can hear my heart beating so fast. Everyone present is holding their breaths for fear that Khun Sam will see us here. Suddenly, Mr. Kirk screams from afar breaking his silence, before approaching Khun Sam and that girl. He must be afraid they're going to fight over him.

"Why are you here?"

"She came looking for you." Khun Sam answered in her place, while facing Mr. Kirk with a glare. "You are a heartbreaker."


Khun Sam walks away from him with disgust. You must be hurt that your fiancé betrayed you.

"Don't touch me."

"Sam... I love you."

"But I hate you."


"Don't follow me. Disgusting."

She suddenly moves away from chaos. I see the other people are staring at Mr. Kirk and the girl. So I rush out towards Khun Sam.

"Khun Sam."

The woman stops, and looks me in the eyes. She's full of hate and I know well, she must be disappointed.

"Why are you here? You didn't go back to work?"

"I saw everything, so I followed you."

"My God, like in the music videos."

I'm worried.

"How are you?"


I lift my hand to touch her with compassion. Even though I want to hug her, I'm afraid someone might see us. So I can only do this for her.

"You are disappointed in him. If you want to cry, you can cry. I get it."

"Yes, I'm very disappointed, but I'm not going to cry. I just want to get a piece of wood to hit him with. That bastard. Asshole!"


"I still remember that Kirk was the reason we had a fight." Khun Sam raises her eyebrows before returning to the point we were talking about. "I also remember he called me nosy."

Why does she still talk about that fight on Facebook? What about Mr. Kirk's secret girl?

"Khun Sam, didn't you feel anything about that girl?"

"Do I have to feel it?"

"Ah, you seemed disappointed in him."

"Yea. He called me nosy and scolded me for 'you shit', he should be ashamed... since I found out that 'Ronaldo, a nice guy' is him, I don't intend to be friends with him anymore. What an old-fashioned name!"


"I want to throw shit at him every time I see him. I want to hit, hit, hit, hit him. Asshole!"

She keeps mumbling at Mr. Kirk. I feel like she's mad at him. She has no idea that her Facebook name is also old-fashioned. But I don't want to interrupt her while she's in a bad mood.

"Do you feel anything about what just happened? That girl came after your fiancé."

"Why do I have to feel something? If Kirk wants to have her, let him. Understand, you and I are in a relationship. That's good for makes it easier for me to break up with him guilt-free. In fact, I've wanted to break up with him since I heard he's 'Ronaldo, a nice guy'. But I had no good reason and he would refuse."

"I saw you leaving in a hurry. I thought you were hurt by Mr. Kirk betrayed you."

"Why would I be hurt? When my friend gets a girlfriend, I should be happy for him. I left in a hurry because I couldn't stop thinking he called me a nosy person." Khun Sam looks so pissed off right now. "I can clearly picture her face when she said 'Eww, nosy,' and that image sticks in my head."

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