Shooting - Chapter 12

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Khun Sam and Tee are gone. Nop and I are enjoying the river prawns on the table in front of my house. No, it's not right, not for both of us, only Nop is enjoying it. In my case, I'm distracted and with my mind well, far away.

He's flying to the woman who said "disappointment" to me, turned around and left without saying anything else.

"How did you get close to Khun Sam and that other beautiful woman?"

I come back to reality when Nop asks me this question.

"Beautiful woman? You mean Tee?" I said,


"Oh, i'm sorry. She's a friend of Khun Sam's. We are not close."

Nop takes his eyes off the food to look at me, as if he were considerate of me even though he was so close to each other.

"If you're not close to her, why did you go out with her?"

"She invited me to eat."

I won't tell him the other details, which only me, Tee and the other friends of Khun Sam know. Nop is still upset, so I ask:

I said, "What's wrong?"

"Do you like Tee?"

"Tee?" I'm stunned and I shake my hands in denial. "Crazy! I don't like her. She's just a friend of Khun Sam's."

"But she's rich." He goes on.

"And she's beautiful too. I've seen a lot of girls who are lesbians, so I think you like her."

"If I liked girls, wouldn't it be Khun Sam?" I laugh. My face is hot, but I need to hide it because I don't want him to know. "Anyway, I don't like Tee."

"I'm so relieved." Nop breathes a huge sigh. "When I think you might like her, I feel a bad feeling. I'm afraid you're going to like a girl because she's rich and elegant. And I've seen her in magazines, she's a celebrity."

"When I was in high school, she was already famous."

"All right, It means she's not my opponent."

I get uncomfortable. Looks like he's been trying to tie me up since we were students. If a man showed interest in me, he was trying to show that he was my boyfriend.



"I think we need to clarify our relationship." When he realizes I'm serious, he tries to calm me down.

"No... No... No. You're scaring me."

He makes me bored now. whenever i try to talk about the relationship we have, he always interrupt me.

"By the way, Khun Sam is so cute. She said that like a child."

When he talks about Khun Sam, I forget we were talking about our relationship. I think she's mad at me. Even if she's cute, she's bothering me.

"She's kind of weird."

"Why is she mad at you?"

"I don't know."

"Are you going to apologize to her?"

"Why would I have to apologize? I didn't do anything wrong, but she did." I'm taking it out on him even though it's not his fault. "She broke a promise."

"You're mad at her like a child. I don't know what happened, but don't forget to have a good relationship with her. At least you have a chance to stand by Khun Sam, who is your idol and she even came here to see you. If one of you breaks this relationship, you will regret it."

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