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I can't believe it! The day is finally here! I am going to marry the love of my life! After months of preparation, our wedding day is finally here!

I am going to marry Sam! Samantha Davis! I am so excited, I might burst!

We decided to get married in a beautiful wedding hall! Which is just perfect! First, we did toy with the idea of having an outdoor wedding but dropped it since we figured it won't be very comfortable...after all, we are getting married on 24th December! But other than that one bump, everything is freaking perfect! I am sure we invited pretty much everyone we know, even though we could care less about the attendance of some of those people.

But if we had to choose, I think the best part of the wedding preparations would be when we took River and Val for maid of honor dress shopping! Their faces when we showed them the puffy, bright orange dress with a big bow in the back was freaking hilarious! The second they both said at the same time that they won't be attending our in those dresses even if their lives depended on it both, I and Sam burst out laughing before reassuring them that we were not going to make them wear it!

I still wonder though what type of person would actually make someone wear those hideous dresses! Or better yet why would anyone agree and stay close with them? It's a mystery that I won't ever understand...

I think my second favorite part of that day was when we went dress shopping for Aria since she is going to be our flower girl! God! It was adorable seeing her twirl every time she tried on a dress saying it's her favourite! I am sure if it wasn't for Val AND Sam, I and River would have bought her each everyone one of them!

I honestly to god love that little girl! She is so sweet and cute! The first time we met she was so shy around everyone but soon enough she relaxed around us...I still laugh every time I remember the day we had that family dinner introducing her to everyone...well, almost everyone. Ben, Jordan, Audrey, and Amelia couldn't make it unfortunately so they sent a ton of stuff! When I say a ton, I mean a ton! I mean paired up with the amount of stuff her grandparents bought her...I can't even begin to describe it or the smile on Aria's face!

And as you might have guessed, Val went livid! She scolded everyone present and those who weren't got scolded over the video call! Honest to god we were all scared shitless when she told us that when the kids are born only two toys per person are allowed...I don't think anyone is going to dare to defy her.

I mean we get where she is coming from but what could we do? None of us! Me, Sam, River, Jordan, Ben, Audrey, and Amelia have ever been around kids that much! So, with Aria, we went a little too much overboard!

But anyway, after the gifts fiasco, everything went smoothly as Aria happily bonded with the other 4 guys over the phone, making plans with every one of us! Amelia and Audrey promised to teach her surfing after River and Val teach her swimming. Ben and Jorden promised to teach her any sport she might be interested in! Me and Sam promised to teach her guitar...which neither of us knows how to do! And her grandparents promised to take her to the next rocket launch.

Honestly? After spending so much time with Aria both me and Sam also decided to have a baby ourselves! She didn't have any interest in getting pregnant but since I did just not now, we decided to adopt a baby too! Deciding to get the adoption process started right away since it's a lengthy process and we want to adopt a baby under the age of 1...preferably a newborn so it might take a while.

"Mam, what do you think?" I snap out of my thoughts as I look at my hairdresser.


"Your hair is done, Mam. Take a look..." With a nod, I look into the mirror before smiling brightly in the mirror. My hair, makeup, and dress all look great! Everything is perfect...except one thing.

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