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Valentina White POV

"What I want is for you to do the job I hired you to do!" I yell at the incompetent idiot standing in front of me looking at his shoes as if it is the most interesting thing in the world.

"Look at me, when I am talking to you!" His eyes snap to mine as he holds the file tighter.

"You are not leaving this office until you hand me that file completed, got it!?"

He hastily nods his head.

"Y-yes, mam!" He says before leaving my office.

I groan as I rub my eyes before refocusing on the screen in front of me.

My fingers run across the keyboard as I type faster than I ever have probably.

Running a software slash cyber security company is no easy work.

I still sometimes think if it was a good idea to add a cyber security department to my company when I decided I wanted to expand...but then I look at my annual income report and I feel great about that decision.

"Fuck!" I exclaim as I feel another cramp in my left shoulder along with the skin irritation that I am already feeling.

I shouldn't have kept these on last night or the night before that...fuck it!

I sigh as I hear my phone ringing once again.

"Fucking Jordan..." I roll my eyes as I silence my phone before resuming work.

I never should have gone to that stupid reunion!

Before I had 1 idiot overprotective friend and now I have five!

I shut my eyes tightly as I try to forget why in the first place I agreed to go...River.

No. No. No.

Not happening!

I am not going to cry!

It's been 2 weeks and I am just tired of crying!

I was stupid...

I was so stupid to think that...that kiss would change anything!

Life has never been kind to me, why would they be now!?

I squint my eyes at the mail notification I got on my business email which was sent by Vaughn Group...why?

From: @Vaughn_Group

Subject: Got you!

Time: 21:35

To: @White_Security&Software Pvt. Ltd.

I knew it! That you would open this mail! Did you forget about my girlfriend? Well, you shouldn't have.

Anyway, back to the purpose of this mail. We know you have been overworking yourself, not taking care of yourself, and pushing us away...again! BUT this time it's not gonna happen! We are not going to let that happen! All 5 of us are coming over to your company in 15 minutes sharp! And if we find you there you are going to be shipped off to one of our homes and I don't think I need to tell you that you won't be able to leave or work there!

If this mail sounds threatening then perfect! It's meant to be!

So, I sent this at 21:35, it might take you 2-3 minutes to read and 2 minutes to soak it in, so your time starts at 21:40!

So...hurry up!

P.S: You remember the flu pig right? Don't underestimate us!

Laura Vaughn
CEO, Vaughn Group Inc.

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