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Valentina White POV

I close my eyes in exhaustion for a few moments before opening them again, looking down at the city from my window in my office...I feel numb and burned out. Whatever I do I can't get rid of this feeling, and honestly? I have given up. It's been too long.

Watching, everyone going around to reach their destination in hopes to achieve something...someone. The teenagers feel free to do whatever the hell they want. They don't know one thing though, the feeling of loneliness even when they are sitting in a room full of people. The feeling of helplessness in a cage that doesn't let us fly free. The feeling of an empty house at night. The feeling of even after achieving everything in life but having no one to share it with. Feeling more numb from inside and out. It's exhausting.

For me, it's been 8 years of battling with these feelings and it doesn't get any easier. No. I just feel more empty and lonely with each passing day. Watching the city from my office with a glass of wine in my hand at midnight is a habit that can rarely change. It's not like anyone is waiting for me at my house which is yet to become my home.

Suddenly my office door slammed open making me snap my head to the right to see my best friend entering the office. "BITCH! Why aren't you at your house?" Sam said panting heavily, she looked like she took the stairs up here.

I raised a brow. "Why didn't you use the lift?"

She groaned. "I forgot." I just rolled my eyes, I mean how could someone just forget!? But according to her 'when she is in a hurry or anxious her former athlete comes out.' It's ridiculous.

I still think about how this weirdo is my best and only friend. But I also know I won't exchange her for anything in this world.

"Samantha, why are you here?" I said with a neutral expression but internally smiling knowing she is going to be so annoyed that I used her full name. I just love to annoy her, after all that's what friends are for right?

"Bitch! I am already mad at you. Don't shit with me!" She exclaims as she glares at me. I sigh as I put my wine glass on my desk before walking toward her.

"Sam I don't-'

"Shut up! Val tomorrow is your 4-month appointment. So you need to rest, not drink wine in the middle of the night. If you don't care about your health then that's fine! Because I do. And I am still single and I need my maid of honor whenever I get married and my best friend to vent whenever I need to. So come on!" She took the glass from my desk and downed it in one go before looking at me with a stern face.

 I smiled. I love this woman.

"Let me just take my things..." I say as I take my purse and phone before she loops her arm with mine, half dragging me toward my lift.

"By the way, I am going with you to the appointment. Your Dad called me and told me he won't be able to accompany you this time. He has some work." She informs as she presses the button to the lobby.

"That's ok. I already say to both of you that neither of you needs to come to the appointment with me. I will be fine." I say after nodding.

She shakes her head with a grunt, "Nope you can't be trusted to take care of yourself."

I chuckle as I shake my head with a faint smile, I guess this is the reason she is my best friend. And I am so thankful for having her in my life.


River Jones POV

"Fuckkkk" She screamed as she came for the fifth time tonight. But I didn't stop, with 2 more thrusts I climaxed into the protection before collapsing against her back.

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