CH 37: "BLISS"

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Valentina White POV

This is SO not what I expected when I got pregnant!

I thought I would become more irritated or angrier...not so damn emotional all the time! It's so freaking annoying! I keep crying at every little thing! Last night I went through a packet of chips so fast that I started crying when I realized there were no more left! It's fucking embarrassing!

Honestly? I am so thankful that Jones is being so understanding and supportive whenever I burst out crying! Because I swear to god if she teased me about it or something, I don't think I will be able to stop crying!


I look down at my phone to see River calling me, with a curious expression I accept the call.

[Me: Hey, babe!]

[River: Hey, Val! I wanted to talk to you about something!]

I frown.

[Me: You are coming here for lunch anyway, we can talk later...]

She releases a nervous chuckle before replying,

[River: Yeahhhh...about that! Can I skip lunch today? Some of my army buddies are in town and wanted to meet up.]

I resist the urge to be unreasonable by asking her to decline their invitation and come have lunch with me. It's one goddamn lunch!

[Me: Sure! Don't worry about it, baby.]

[River: Thanks very much, Val! & don't worry I have already ordered the ice cream you are craving right now, it will be delivered by lunch!]

[Me: Thanks and have fun! I love you!]

[River: I will! And love too, my Queen!]


"Ok! I can't have lunch with you sulking in front of me! What happened?" Sam asked as she placed her food container on the coffee table.

I huffed as I looked toward her.

"It's nothing. Just my over-sensitive pregnant brain is missing River..." I said as I looked down at my food in disinterest.

She smiled as she got up from the couch and sat beside me on my couch before replying, "Then call her and tell her to come here."

I frown before looking at her, "I don't want to do that! As she said it's been a while since she met her army friends and wants to have lunch with them. It's just lunch! If I called her I will be just unreasonable!"

She chuckled before shaking her head.

"You are a weird woman Valentina White..."

I glare at her as I turn to look her in the eyes.

"How the hell am I being weird!?"

"Well, you do realize that you are pregnant and have the biggest getaway pass for being unreasonable! If you miss your fiancé then call her!"

I look at her for a few moments, contemplating her words before shaking my head. She is right but I am not going to do fact, I have a better idea!

"Nope! I have a better idea I am taking a half day and I will just message her to meet me directly at home."

She beamed as she patted my shoulder.

"Oh! I am so proud of you Val! You are growing up..." She said as she wiped fake tears off her cheek. I glare at her as I lightly shove her away.

"Fuck off!"

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