Chapter two

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I woke up the next day early to footsteps around the room. I opened my eyes to see a bare tattooed back facing me. Connor was getting ready for classes, and I guess it was time for me to get up too. I yawned catching his attention and he looked at me.
"Light sleeper?" he asked buttoning his shirt.
"Sometimes," I replied.
I got out of the bed and lifted the back of my shirt looking in a mirror seeing my skin flawless despite having my flesh ripped open twice. I let my shirt down and looked at Conner feeling his energy release. His wings tore through his back and out the slits in his shirt. His tail appeared being black like his wings. His horns then tore through his forehead being black as well.
He looked at me, "Why are your horns a different color from everything else?"
"Beats me, like I said my father who would have all the answers is dead," I said grabbing my skirt and shirt.
I pulled my top off with my bra still on and pulled on the dress shirt. Connor watched me not fazed one bit. I pulled on my skirt and pulled my sweatpants off from under it. I looked at him to see him looking at me expecting my traits to be released. I sighed and let my energy flare as my lips released a scream in pain. I was on the ground on all fours as my wings ripped free and my skull splitting in half from my horns. My tail was the least painful part. I was breathing hard with my claws dug into the carpet as I kept my eyes closed. I felt a hand on my back making me open my eyes. I looked over and saw Connor with a look of sympathy on his face. He understood this because he's been through it.
"Come on we got gym together and it's time to fight," he said helping me up.
I smiled letting my fangs out and walked with him out of the room. My tail swayed behind me as we went down the halls. I saw a group of guys as Connor saw some girls in short skirts in our path.
He smirked giving me a look letting out his pheromones. I smiled and did the same making the guys catch a whiff and watch me as the girls swooned over him. As we kept on heading to class I saw two boys leaning on the wall talking. One had black feathered wings and the other had yellow cat eyes showing while chewing on the cap of a pen with his feline teeth out along with purple hair. I locked eyes with both of them as I walked by them. They seemed different from everyone else here. The one with wings looked at me with a glare as the other just stared at me and my tail. I broke our stare down to keep walking with Connor.
"Looks like we got a new hybrid in the school," one of them said.
We ended up outside in a clearing. Everyone was lined up on one side as the teacher talked. Mr. August saw me and nodded as I gave a smile. Kieran was in this class too and stood with Connor and me. Those two boys in the hall were in this class as well.
"Today we are going to be fighting using our powers. No killing someone and no taking eyes or ripping off limbs understood?" he yelled at everyone looking at us.
Everyone agreed and he started pairing people.
"Let's see. Kieran and Connor let's go," he said.
They glared at each other and went to the middle. I watched as Connor crouched low and Kieran let out a growl as flames engulfed his body and claws came out and his human ears vanished as his tiger ears came out of his hair. His eyes were ablaze, and his teeth elongated, and he ran his tongue over them. Connor smirked and ran at him only for Kieran to run and grab him in midair burning his arms and smacked him hard into the ground. Connor wrapped his tail around Kieran's neck and kicked him in the side sending him flying and used the movement to launch into the air. They traded blows as well as bites and swipes with claws. The fight ended when Connor was thrown to the ground and pinned with Kieran's foot on his throat. He tapped out covered in blood and burns. He stood next to me breathing hard glaring at Kieran.
"Lexi and Nicholas!" Mr. August yelled.
The boy with black wings stepped out of the shadows and walked to the middle of the clearing.
I stepped out of my spot and walked to the middle too. He had black hair and dark blue eyes. We both had wings so taking to the sky won't be an advantage. I let my claws out as I bared my fangs at him letting out a hiss. He smirked and cracked his neck. I crouched low as my body was covered in flames making everyone shocked. What caught me off guard even more was the crown of fire above my horns. That's never happened before. I ignore it and watch the winged guy before me. He spread out his wings as shadows started working up his arms. Shit he's umbra-kinetic. Which for people who don't know that's a person who can manipulate shadows and darkness like me with my fire. It was a rare form of kinesis and not many people could do it human or not. He smiled and before I knew it a line of darkness wrapped around my ankle and pulled me off my feet. We wanna play that way fine. I flared the flames around my body making a circle of fire around us and I sent a line of fire towards him and threw two fire balls at him. I used my speed to get behind him while he was focused on the fire and grabbed his wings and threw him into a tree breaking it in half. He stood up glaring at me as I made a gesture to come and get it. He charged at me and I dropped low kicking his feet out and pinned him on his back wrapping my tail around his neck letting out a hiss in his face. He smiled before he grabbed my horns as his hands burned making him groan until he threw me over him and hard onto the ground. I winced in pain and quickly got up and pounced onto his back digging my heels into his spine. I grabbed a fistful of his hair pulling his head to the side and sank my teeth into his neck making him yell out in pain. My other hand was on his shoulder as my claws sank through his flesh. I pulled away from his neck as his blood ran down my chin and neck. I kicked him forward and stepped hard on his arm as he was on his stomach hearing a satisfying crunch. He yelled out in pain and flipped over and grabbed my leg with his good arm and took off into the sky. I leaned up and dragged my claws down his arm making him let go and I caught myself with my own wings. I lashed my tail out at him cutting his cheek with it. I flew towards him fast and grabbed his shirt smiling before diving for the ground quickly. I was about to bury him into the ground until a whistle blew making me expand my wings and coming to a stop and dropped him a foot off the ground. He made a sound of pain and annoyance. I landed on my feet breathing hard covered in blood as he was bleeding. I wiped my nose seeing blood wondering when he got a hit in. Mr. August looked at us impressed and huge grin on his face.
"Looks like I matched up the right people. Nicholas go to the nurse to get patched up and that broken arm looked at and that bite on your neck," he said sending me a look. 
I shrugged and went back to my spot next to Connor.
"Nice job Lexi," he said in my ear.
     I looked down at myself covered in his blood. My hands were drenched and everytime I licked my lips I could taste his blood. He glared at me as he walked off. More people got paired up and almost screamed when someone turned into a giant snake.
"Yeah, we may have a basilisk or two at the school," Connor said lowly, "That's Aiden he's usually cold and stand offish. Doesn't like anyone."
I watched the large snake hiss at the werewolf before lashing out fast and biting into the wolf's leg. It was over and the person was taken to the nurse for anti-venom. He shifted back and his black hair was a little long down to his chin and he had green eyes with a yellow tint. He walked over to a girl that looked like him. She shoved him playfully only for him to glare at her.
"That's his twin sister Maple," Connor informed me.
I locked eyes with Aiden and held his hard glare. He broke the stare by blinking only to give me a smirk. I looked away from him when the bell rang. I walked to potions class finding out I had that class with Connor as well. We walked in and sat down at a round table that had five chairs. I watched Aiden walk in as well as Nicholas all patched up with the other boy he hangs out with and then Jax. Jax sat down with us as the other three took seats away from me. The teacher walked in calling himself Mr. Fisher.
"Today we're going to be working in groups of my choosing," he said making the class groan.
"This should be good," I muttered.
"Lawrence, Jackson, Faller, Kellen and Sawyer," the teacher yelled out.
Jax groaned and moved since he wasn't in our group. I waved bye to him as he took an empty seat at a different table. I clenched my jaw as Aiden sat down along with Nicholas and his friend.
"This is going to be a long class," Connor said for everyone to hear.
I looked around to have several girls stare daggers at me. I turned back towards the table running my hand through my hair. I looked at Aiden only for him to give me a smirk and wink. I felt my face heat up only to look left to see Nicholas glaring at the table and his friend looking at me intrigued with his feline eyes.
"So you're a succubus and vampire. Never heard of that mix before mainly because the two species don't like eachother. Who was who in your parents?" The feline asked.
"My dad was an incubus and my mom is human. She had my demon side locked away and when I was younger I did a spell to be a vampire it only turned my human side," I explained.
I sank down in my chair feeling self conscious at how they all looked at me except for Connor. He could already tell I didn't feel accepted anywhere.
"Well, I'm Jasper Kellen and I'm a pure bred weretiger. My buddy here Nic is half angel half demon. And well the reptile can speak for himself," Jasper said earning a hiss from Aiden.
"I will bite you," he threatened making Nicholas turn his glare on him.
"I'm Aiden Sawyer looks like you already know the playboy of the school," he said looking at Connor who had a sly smile play on his lips.
I looked at him and he shrugged, "I gotta feed at some point it's just better while having sex."
I looked at Nicholas, "Do you speak or are you mute?"
He glared at me, "I'm not mute I just don't like you."
"Why because I basically kicked your ass? Did you really think taking on hybrid of my species was going to be easy as well as being pyrokenetic which trumps umbrakenisis," I said facing him.
His brows rose, "You know the actual name for it?"
I rolled my eyes, "Yes I studied all sorts and could only master fire with meditation and unlocking more of my brain. Your's is rare you're either born with it or not in a sense."
He stared at me shocked until we were told to start mixing ingredients. I looked around and locked eyes with a pair of fiery ones. Kieran was at a table with Jax and three girls swooning over them. He looked annoyed at them and made a gesture of shooting himself in the head. I laughed and shook my head at him. Connor looked over and growled.
"What is the issue between you two?" I asked grabbing everyone's attention at the table.
"He's a liar and a filthy dog," Connor mumbled.
A loud growl ripped through the room. Connor smirked knowing he struck a nerve. I rolled my eyes a shook my head. We started mixing ingredients and while Jasper wasn't paying attention, he added the wrong thing making our potion explode. I covered my face with my wings as Connor and Nicholas did the same to shield ourselves from the broken glass flying around us. I pulled my wings back and looked at the broken glass and the contents on the table foaming and burning. I looked at Jasper in shock as he gave a sheepish smile and Aiden looked annoyed with a cut on his cheek from the glass. I quickly grabbed towels and started picking up the broken glass as Aiden took the towels from me and cleaned up the liquid.
"Don't let Jasper mix things anymore," the teacher said walking by our table.
He groaned and put his face down on the table. Nicholas chuckled at him and shook his head patting his back. Class was over and I decided to go to the library to get the books I needed for my classes. I felt like I was being followed and looked behind me but didn't see anyone. I walked into the library and asked the librarian for the textbooks I needed and some on my species. She told me where to find the books on my species. I thanked her and went to one of the aisles. I looked through the books until I found one with the origin of succubi and incubi. Then another one on our many powers. I grabbed a few books on vampires and one on hybrids. Just to please my mom I grabbed one about mates. I went to check my books out when someone grabbed the book on mates. I turned around and saw Aiden.
"Hello gorgeous," he said with a smile looking at the book.
"Gorgeous I doubt it. Can I have that book back?" I said taking it from his hands.
"What are you looking for blood mate or a real mate?" he asked casually.
"I don't know yet. A blood mate is my own choice but that means one person to drink from for the rest of my life when I'm picky about my blood source. The blood bond is just touchy. You share powers thoughts emotions and what if that falls apart? The mark would burn with any lie or betrayal and if you break up having that mark removed almost kills you. I couldn't imagine having that done to me. And a real mate? I wouldn't know anything about it. My mom and dad weren't mates, but they fell in love anyways and my dad was killed for it," I said looking down.
"I wouldn't know my parents were mates. My kind are ruthless creatures and I grew up watching my father hit my mother until one day while he was asleep she ate him. Sometimes a true mate is not the best option. Me personally I don't want one," he said walking beside me as I was leaving.
"So what you just want to be alone for the rest of your life with a good fling every now and then?" I questioned.
He looked at me, "It's not a bad way to live. Seeing my mom go through that and almost being a spitting image of my father and with how I am now. It's a pretty good idea that I might be just like him. I feed off of fear and am quite sadistic."
"Then being sadistic is something we have in common. Trust me I can't tell you how much joy I get from seeing someone get hurt or have misfortune in their life. My mom doesn't have a clue I get it from since she said my dad was such a caring person. I told her being that way isn't a trait you're born with. You develop it," I said glancing at Aiden see a smirk on his lips.
"Just keep in mind what I said. A mate isn't all it's cracked up to be," he said before walking away from me.
I sighed and entered my dorm room to see Veronica and Connor yelling at eachother.
"I don't care how you feel around her Connor she's my friend and she's going to visit!" Veronica yelled at him with her feline eyes glowing.
"She's a fucking psychopath who has tried to steal my clothes because she's obsessed with me! She can't be here and if she is I'll drain her of her life I promise that," he threatened.
I slammed the door grabbing their attention. I raised a brow at them as I put my books down.
"Care to explain why I walked into a yelling match?" I asked leaning against the wall.
"Connor is having a bitch fit because my friend Bethany is coming over and she has a crush on him," Veronica said pulling her hair into a ponytail.
"It's not a crush! She's obsessed with me. Anytime she's here a shirt or hoodie of mine goes missing. I don't want her in our dorm anymore!" Connor yells trying to make his point.
"Look I'll try to take this from a neutral standpoint because you're both my friends, and I don't want to worry about one of you killing me in my sleep. Connor if you can try to keep your pheromones on the lowest level you can manage because I know they can't be fully turned off and stay in the dorm to make sure she doesn't take your stuff and Veronica just try to keep her on our side of the room and not let her bug Connor too much. I'll stay in case I'm needed to stop something if I think it's going to far," I offered looking at them.
Connor sighed nodding his head as Veronica smiled and rushed to her phone to text her friend. I sighed and walked to the area that held my clothes and quickly changed into a sweatshirt that hung off one shoulder and some sweatpants. I sat down on my bed and grabbed one of my books and started reading about mates. Blood mates was a fairly simple process each drink another's blood as long as one was a vampire, and the bond was formed. Actual mates were more complex. You didn't have a choice who was chosen for you. You could accept and complete the mating process or reject them and maybe die from the pain of the rejection. Not many people got a second chance at a mate after rejecting or rejection. Wolves or other wereanimals had mates. Demons or vampires wasn't definite we got a mate joy if not we find someone to mate with. That was my father's issue he had a mate, but he rejected her because he already found my mom. If my mother wasn't human, it wouldn't have been so bad of a punishment he got. They believed humans and demons shouldn't be together something about tainting the demon bloodline or some crap. I wish I met my father from what mom told me he was an amazing man and delighted when they found out about me. All I had was one photo of him with my mom looking at her stomach before she was showing. The day my father was taken away. I sighed and reached into my wallet and pulled out the photo. I took after my mom a lot while my father if anything only passed on his supernatural traits to me. I looked at him in the photo. He's bright blue eyes were full of love and happiness. His black hair was shoulder length and slicked back. His skin was flawless and pale another thing I got I guess being so pale before being a vampire. He had tattoos on his neck and all over his arms even his claws showed a little. My mom was smiling looking at him. She was so happy and I haven't seen her this happy since that photo. She missed my dad dearly she never dated anyone after him she said no would compare human or not and she was still in love with my dad even if he was no longer with us. I put the photo away when there was a knock on our door. Veronica opened it to reveal a girl to make me feel insecure. She had golden eyes of a feline, a natural pout to her pink glossed lips, tan flawless skin, a chest that could be equal to my size or bigger and I was a D cup! Her waist was thin and paired with a flat toned stomach with long legs that led to a pair of silver heels. Her hair was chocolate brown and a mane of tamed curls. Her nails were even painted pink with white tips. She wore a baby tank top the showed off a belly ring with a tattoo the said pride on her left hip exposed by her skinny jeans. She smiled at Veronica and gave her a hug and looked over at Connor with a flirty wave of her fingers. He only rolled his eyes and looked at his phone. She looked at me only to pause seeing my wings folded behind me and my horns out with my tail draped over my shoulder. I locked my purple eyes with her and raised a brow at her.
"I see you got a new roommate she seems...... hostile," she says sitting next to Veronica on her bed.
"I'm not hostile I just used to beat up girls like you back at home," I said casually as I went back to my book.
"Again hostile," she repeated.
"Is that the only big word you know?" I questioned making Connor cough to hide his laughter.
She rolled her eyes at me as Connor got up and sat down behind me on my bed. This caught her attention again only for her to narrow her eyes when he trailed the tip of his tail up my arm. I inhaled deeply and kept my attention on my book as Connor reached for the book of our species and powers. He started to read it and hummed every now and then at somethings.
"Are they always that close with eachother?" My ears picked up on what Bethany whispered to Veronica.
"Since she got here. She's a hybrid of two breeds that hate eachother so she's not accepted by either. Connor is like her of one breed so he's been kind of taken her under his wing. They get along and he knows how painful the process is to release the physical traits and even pull it back in. He's grown used to it and is helping her," Veronica explained.
"I also am half vampire and can hear you. But I don't think your pride teach their cubs about my species. I'm surprised to smell lion when you don't strike me as one. Only physical clue is the mane of hair you have and the eyes," I said still looking at my book.
I smiled when she gasped, "Excuse me! What does that mean?"
I looked up from my book and set it aside and started to sit up and Connor let out a growl at her. I stood up from my bed and faced her as she stood up too. She was taller without her heels but they added to her height.
"It means you need to watch what you say because I can hear it all including the blood pumping through your veins and how fast your heart is beating in fear. The smell is intoxicating and I'm starting to get hungry," I said licking my lips showing my fangs.
The blood drained from her face and I smiled before pulling on my boots and left the dorm room. I never liked pure bred werelions. Always so prideful and above most because they can work together but in reality their breed is the most messed up. The females hunt and kill yet the male eats first. Sexism at its finest. I was walking through the halls not paying attention when I bumped into a hard chest when I rounded a corner. I looked up and locked eyes with familiar clear blue eyes I thought I would never see again. His hair was still blonde only slightly darker than I remember and he had a matching tattoo of crosses on each arm. He was still taller than me and he still had dimples as a smile played upon his lips. He offered me his hand to help me off the floor where I sat in shock. I took it as he helped me to my feet.
"Dante?" I asked not sure if it was actually him or not.
It's been years and last time I saw him we were kids. He scratched the back of his neck looking down.
"Good to see you too Lexi. Never thought I would see you here," he said running his hand over his buzzed hair.
"Why are you here or better question I'm learning is what are you?" I asked in shock still.
"A couple years back I got turned. I woke up alone no one to teach me and I was like this a vampire," he said as his eyes flashed red.
"I never thought I would see you again if I'm being honest," I said and bit down on my bottom lip as my eyes scanned over his body.
He was fit covered in lean muscle and stood with confidence still. He smiled and pulled me into a close hug. I hugged him back with a smile on my face inhaling his scent.
"So why are you here last I checked you were human I last saw you," he said looking me over.
"I'll explain as we walk," I said as I started to walk, and he slung his arm over my shoulder.
We sat down in the back of the library away from everyone else. I pull my hair into a ponytail and stretch my arms above my head. Dante watched my movements closely with his eyes back to their normal blue.
"I'm getting really tired of explaining this story. So my mom met my dad who was an incubus they fell in love and my mom became pregnant with me. They say they found out about me was the day some demons came after my dad. Said he was traitor and gave demons a bad name for falling in love with a human and rejecting his true mate. He was killed for his actions. When I was born my mother had the help of a witch to lock away that part of me. When I was maybe thirteen I was messing with some witchcraft found a spell to become a vampire. I did it and the next morning the effects set in but only tuned the human part of me. When my mom saw she gave me the stone the unlocked my demon side. I can also control and manipulate and create fire. It got to a point where my mom had no clue how to help me control my urges anymore since I need blood and sexual energy. So she found this school and sent me here," I explained staring at the table.
"Wow so all this time you've been a hybrid. I'm sorry about your dad. I mean I knew he passed away before you were born but you or your mom never said how," he said giving me a hug.
I leaned into the hug. I always found comfort around him even as kids. I wanted to kick myself though for finding him attractive. He was my childhood crush but to still have a thing for him now was just crazy. Then again blonde hair blue eyes are a weakness of mine. I catch a familiar scent near by and turn my head in time to see Nic and Jasper. They stopped at the sight of me in Dante's embrace. I sent a glare at them and they leaned against a table across from us.
"You get cozy with a vampire? I thought his kind didn't accept you," Nic said coldly.
"I knew her long before I was turned. We grew up together if you must know dick head," Dante said as he stood up.
"Oh, cute looks like she's already wrapping all the guys here around her pheromones," Nic sneered.
I stood up next to Dante, "Do you really want a repeat of gym class? I won that time and I'll win again only this time no one will stop me from killing you."
He scoffed and walked off and Jasper gave me a small smile and followed after him.
"Making friends already I see," Dante said nudging me.
I shook my head and pushed him by the shoulder. I looked at my phone for the time and saw I had to head back to my dorm soon. Dante offered to walk me to my dorm, and I accepted. Before I went back into my dorm, he put his number in my phone and walked away. I watched his form disappear before entering my dorm biting my bottom lip.

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