Chapter 1

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The wind blew mercilessly as young Tom Riddle strolled away from the group of children. He walked till he reached a cave. It stood before him like a mystery waiting for him to explore it's deepest and darkest secrets. He could feel it, the dark magic pulsing through the rocks and reaching out to him. As though enticed by the pull he walked in. It was murky inside and irritation etched to the young ones pale face. As though the surroundings sensed his irritation a small light flickered in the middle of the cave, a satisfied archaic smile etched to his parched lips. Tom looked around the cave with an engrossed expression, anemone lips parted slightly.
Tom Riddle was wicked and cruel, he was a child but the world was harsh on him and he had become a shell which can't be broken and had built walls out of his despair, emptiness, frustration, rage and helplessness. And so, his triggers turned in ways that no human could understand, he was unintelligible. He smirked deviously, if Albus Dumbledore had seen him now, in this exact moment, he would've never visited the orphanage, he himself wouldn't have handed the lottery ticket that would destroy the wizarding world to the future dark lord. Tom returned to where the other children resided. He walked towards his fellow mates Amy Benson and Dennis Bishop and smiled politely, his hands folded behind him. "Benson, Bishop hello". The children looked at him warily and Benson spoke with a quivering voice "What do you want Tom?" "Not a way to greet a friend now, is it? Anyway I discovered a wonderful place and wanted to show you two." Bishop's eyes lit up and he came forward. "But you both don't seem interested" Tom dragged and Dennis shook his head "We'll come! Show us!" Amy still looked uncomfortable about this and stood on her spot while the two guys Marched forward. Tom noticed and frowned, Dennis pulled Amy along. A satisfied smirk played on Tom's lips and he lead the two friends towards their nightmare. In a few minutes they reached the cave which was now covered with dancing green lights, Tom was more than pleased with the effects to fool the two children. Dennis and Amy as though entraced walked into the cave and Tom followed suite. The two kids looked around the cave with wonder and turned to face Tom who had a wide menacing grin on. "Tom l-let's go back now, the matron will be angry" stuttered Amy but Tom only advanced towards them. Tom grabbed a handful of Amy's hair and threw her towards the rocky wall. The girl let out a painful scream as metallic liquid oozed out of her now open wound on her head. Dannis grabbed Tom's hands and yelled "What is wrong with you Tom?! Why'd you hurt Amy?!" Tom only pulled his hands away and kicked Bishop in his abdomen earning a yelp from the boy, the two children lay on the cold ground helplessly, staring at Tom as he circled them with rage being the only emotion on his usually stoic face. "Remember when you said all those mean things to me Bishop? How is it now? Laying under my feet helplessly, scared for your pathetic friend and yourself?!" He grabbed Bishop's hair and slammed his head into the rocky grounds. "And you, 𝐴𝑚𝑦 𝐵𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑜𝑛, with your little crush on Bishop here, joined in on his dirty tricks to annoy and torment me. Now, what shall I do with you, hmm?" The boy said her name like it was the most disgusting thing ever and the girl physically cringed. Amy looked terrified and grabbed Dennis' hand. Tom chuckled at the pathetic act and pulled the girl towards the pond and forced the girl's head into the icy-cold water. The poor girl struggled to breath, she desperately gripped on Tom's hand which was placed on her nape holding her in place. Tom pulled her out and spat with wrath "That's what you get for being mean to me!" That's when he felt a tug at his legs and he turned to see Bishop who pushed Tom into the pond and his hand pulled away from Amy in panic as he fell. Tom tried swimming back to the top but his efforts were to no avail as something pulled his leg down. He looked down and saw bony fingers dragging at his leg and Tom's eyes grew wide. His pulse was falling, eyes grew heavy and the last thing he saw were a pair of emerald orbs and raven locks floating around.


The street bustled busily as Albus Dumbledore made his way towards Leaky Cauldron. The wizard entered the pub where drunk men scrambled. The wizard advanced further and stopped when he reached a specific door. He knocked and waited "Come in Albus" said a aureate voice. Dumbledore opened the wooden door with caution and it creaked as he stepped in and locked the door behind him. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Chirped Bellum from where she stood on her study, parchments and pictures spread aimlessly, ink spots covered her hands. With a wave of her hand everything was back in order and she half turned her body to face Dumbledore and cocked an eyebrow. "I am afraid I am here to entreat something, yet again" his voice was tentative and carried a slight hint of annoyance. If Dumbledore appeared to know everything and never let on anything, Azazel Bellum did know everything and played with people around her until they convulsed under her scrutinizing stare. "Well what is it Albus?" "I assume you already know" "I am afraid I don't, Albus! Enlighten me!" Jested the witch, absolute rage laced Dumbledore's otherwise calm demeanor. "Tom Morvolo Riddle, I assume you remember him". The witch blinked and let out an exasperated sigh "Albus, I am old and it is getting tiring with you beating around the bush" once again jested the witch making Albus huff in irritation. "I want you to attend Hogwarts and change Tom. Make him believe he is worthy of love and happiness and stop him from pursuing whatever he is doing." Azazel stood up from the chair and walked towards where Dumbledore was standing "Albus, in what ways do I look I care enough to change some teenager in his puberty? And you can only make someone believe in something if you believe in it yourself" said the teenager herself. Dumbledore sighed knowing he had no other choice but to break it to the stubborn witch, "I hate to break it to you, but I am sure you don't want to fight another dark lord, so help me change him". Azazel's orbs lightened with pique "Is it not enough that I've been baring all your nonsense fighting for the light when all you people ever gave me was torment and agony for centuries!" Dumbledore remained calm while the witch vented her frustrations. "Damnit Dumbledore! I am a thousand years old but my body remains to be a 17 year old's! There's only so much a women can take! You can shove your righteousness up your wrinkled arse!" The witch huffed and calmed down before closing her eyes. "Is there anything I can do in return for this help?" Dumbledore didn't seem to give up. The witch contemplated her priorities and a sly smile adorned her colourless lips. The war, both muggle and wizarding, had taken a toll on her. She had to keep running from Grindelwald. Confronting him was always an option, but that would put too many lives at stake and as much the witch wished to destroy the pathetic world she didn't want anymore problems and just wanted to live a normal life. Bellum would get Grindelwald where she wanted and would destroy him to the point where he begged for death to take him from her hold. "Once I am done with Tom Riddle, you will leave me alone. No one should ever know I existed, destroy every information about me and give me a new identity" there was a long pause before she continued "I want a normal life, and you'll give it to me" she was not asking, no, her voice was declarative and that's all it took for Dumbledore to give a curt nod and the witch was pleased.

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