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Quick PSA meeting, and a rather important one.

This story is being rewritten.

I haven't had much interest in this story for a while but recently it's come back up and now I've actually got lore, history and a map out of what I want this world to look like.

I think a lot of you would have connected that there's a lot of plot holes. Other than that a lot of it isn't well written, like you can just tell it's fairly rushed.

There's a lot of relationships and scenes I want to change. This was always meant to be about Rosa getting freedom but I feel like I romanticised Adonis too much in the earlier chapters.

I think there's a lot of potential with this world but I just didn't develop it enough because I treated it like a fan fiction and not an actual story.

Also it's not fair to Rosabelle because I definitely watered her down to a meek damsel in distress and that's not what I want at all.

I hope you continue supporting this story and enjoy it when it's at its fullest potential :)

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