12 - Out to Play

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Damon often liked to tell himself things that weren't true, little white lies to make himself feel better. In this case, one little lie was floating through his head.

It's a simple mission, you'll get out alive.

Damon, in fact, did not believe he would get out alive. And why would he? He was sneaking into the beast's castle to steal his most precious treasure.

His king thought nothing of the girl Adonis had kept locked away for 18 years, thinking she was nothing more than a tool... a pawn in a centuries long game of chess. But then word got around of how beautiful she was.

And the vampire lord loved to collect beautiful things.

Damon wasn't a vampire, of course, that was why he was sent on this mission in the first place. The elemental beast would be able to sniff out the undead a mile away, or so the king said.

That didn't mean he wasn't terrified out of his mind... one misstep and he was sure he'd be tortured in the worst possible way. How would he get her out anyways?

He was given a sleeping potion by the alchemist, but surely the palace staff would notice someone hauling around the sleeping girl. By the time Damon actually got in the palace, he started to wonder if this was all a punishment for something.

Strings were pulled and so Damon was under disguise as a palace guard, currently "patrolling" the halls and praying to the goddess that he looked like he knew what he was doing. And that he didn't run into the king.

Damon was almost certain this whole operation was to merely spite King Adonis. According to rumours, the vampire lord and the elemental beast had long running bad blood between the two. Seeing as they were two of the few creatures who had lived so long, something like that was bound to happen.

Where does she sleep, anyways?

He had been given almost no information, partly because barely anyone knew anything about this girl. Before a few weeks ago, no one was even certain if she was real.

As fate would have it, there was, thankfully, a reason he was chosen for this mission.

The boy took a quick look to ensure no one was around before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. He tried to conjure up Rosabelle's image; white hair, red eyes, skin as light as snow. Of course it would help if he had seen her before, but there wasn't anyone else around with those traits.

It took a while for the fog in his head to clear, but he finally closed in on her, his mind as if he was simply walking towards her. The door was closed, but it was no object to his mind. Surprisingly, she was chained to a bed, the room a mess.

Damon gasped out of his trance before he saw anything else, crimson blood dripping down from his nose. He had questions, but they would hopefully be answered when he arrived at the room.

If he didn't killed first, that is.

How long had it been? A day? A week?

Rosa had long since ripped apart the silk bedding and  fluffy pillows, hopefully destroying any romantic dreams Adonis had of intimate nights. Not that he had come to see her since he had locked her away.

The rug had been torn up, chair thrown against the wall until it splintered. Rosabelle wasn't a strong girl so it was truly amazing what one could do with rage coursing through their veins.

She had tried many times to break the chain that bound her, but it had to have been enchanted because when she struggled, it seemed to burn.

The chandelier was somehow kept lit even during the night... well, she just had to guess when night was at this point. There was a bucket for her to do her business which was absolutely humiliating, and it was always cleaned out when she woke up from her exhaustion induced passing out.

The King's Blood WitchWhere stories live. Discover now