11 - Leash

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Four years. Four years he had slaughtered, strategised, bargained. Four years of travelling and tireless work to end the war in the North.

King Jonah was a vicious enemy, having more land than Adonis's primary kingdom. Not to mention his soldiers and subjects were fiercely loyal. Werewolves were always loyal mutts.

One of Jonah's soldier could probably take down ten of Adonis's before their death, which was why he had been forced to gather more of his powerful allies and join the battlefield himself.

Of course, he never thought it would take four years.

But it was over, finally. Jonah laid cold in the ground, his crown now in Adonis's collection. He did have to leave the son alive... the mutts would never listen to Adonis so he would have to keep a closer eye on their kingdom. Rebellion was a terrible thing.

He crossed the threshold into his castle's open courtyard, his horse owed a great deal of rest. Adonis climbed off, giving the noble stead a pat. The beast would never have to work another day of its life.

"ADDY!" A familiar voice called. Adonis turned, expecting to see the small child run out of the palace. He instead saw a woman.

Life seemed to slow when his eyes met her breathtaking red ones. Her hair was longer, shinier perhaps, as if her ladies maids had finally convinced her to take care of it. She was taller too, a lot taller.

He didn't exactly get much more of a chance to examine her before her arms were flung around his neck, body pressed up against his.

Gods, did she smell divine.

Adonis's shaky hands came around her waist, processing that he had left when she was but a 10 year old child.

And now she was well on her way to being a woman.

"I missed you so much, Addie."

Her voice was different too... deeper, but still light as a melody. What else had changed about her? He would have a lot of time to figure that out, he figured, stroking her silky hair.

"I missed you too, my precious girl."

Adonis's office door was slammed open, alerting him from his thoughts. Solomon stood there, but Adonis was still in his own head.

What had gone wrong? She was so perfect four years ago, so innocent and naïve. So easy to control and love. Why did she choose to act out when everything was coming together?

"She's extraordinarily restless, Your Majesty."

Solomon didn't have to elaborate. Of course she would be restless, probably screaming her lungs out and destroying the silk bedding. Adonis wanted to go in and comfort her, apologise for raising his voice, explain why he had to do these things.

But Rosabelle wasn't safe for anyone to be around right now. Her rage was a deadly thing, extremely deadly. One misplaced movement and she could strangle a heart, boil blood. Anything could wrong. She didn't have enough control of her powers or emotions to navigate this situation.

Is that what went wrong? Should he have trained his blood witch better? She was supposed to be a weapon, that was the original plan for her. Adonis was never supposed to care for her.

"Leave her be," Adonis ordered. She needed to wear herself out before anyone went near her.

Solomon had that look on his face that said he didn't approve of Adonis's actions. It wasn't like he enjoyed doing this to his precious rose, but what was he meant to do?

It was clear her needed a tighter leash on Rosabelle and that's exactly what he would do.

Very short chapter I know but Archive Of Our Own has taken my interest. I haven't really used Wattpad since they added pop up ads.

I lowkey forgot about this story before someone started commenting and it's kinda caught my muse again

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