10 - You Should Have Run

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I know it's been a while but life's a bitch. So another day, another slay 💅

Rosabelle didn't like sex.

When she was younger, she'd been told by one of her teachers that she wasn't supposed to enjoy sex and it was about giving her husband pleasure.

But a different but another teacher told her that sex was a pleasurable thing of passion that would prove love between her and her partner.

Did the pain mean Rosabelle didn't love Adonis?

The pressure in her stomach felt pleasurable, as did when it finally burst and she was forced to arch her back in ecstasy... but was two seconds of pleasure really worth the pain?

If she told Adonis, would he stop having sex with her?

The man in question had a tight grip around her waist, practically forcing her to rest her head on his bare chest as the sun beams near blinded her.

She stared out the window, a searing burn in between her legs and a bruising tingle on her swelling lips.

The blankets had dragged down her skin, revealing her chest and the array of purple marks Adonis had left all over her skin. Her breasts and collarbone were covered in them... she didn't even want to see her neck.

Thinking back, Adonis had a few of those marks around his neck when Rosabelle had been growing up. Did that mean he had sex with other people? She had been told that it was something you only did with those you loved... did that mean Adonis loved other women?

There was a pang of sadness in her chest at the thought, tears pricking at her eyes and her mouth going dry. She thought Adonis loved her more than anything but what if she no more than a body for him to use? If he didn't love her as a daughter... was she just a whore for him to have at his disposal?

"Good morning, my love."

Adonis's voice dragged Rosabelle from her dark thoughts, her head leaning up to meet his eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, arm moving from her waist to stroke her arm soothingly.


"Yes," she replied, plastering a smile on her face.

At the end of the day, it really didn't matter if Adonis loved Rosabelle or not. It didn't matter if she was just his whore because she had no one else. He had given her everything her entire life and if he decided that she was whore then she would just have to deal with it... no matter how much it hurt her heart.

Adonis bathed her again, a gentleness in his eyes that Rosabelle was certain couldn't be faked. But what could she truly be certain of anymore? Was it true Adonis had murdered her mother, or had the woman being lying?

As much she tried to deny the gnawing at her heart, she knew it spoke volumes that she had run away from Adonis with only a simple word from a stranger.

When he had finished bathing her, his head was in-between her legs again and she was overcome with the band of pleasure snapping once again.

He carried her to bed again, tucking her in as whispered promises of bringing her something from the kitchen. But Rosabelle's eyes began to close, thinking only of the dank dungeon and the woman who appeared to know all the secrets of the universe.

Humming rang through her ears, the white space a blank canvas - untouched by the beauty of colour and nature.

In front of her was a little girl, no older than five or six. Her white hair was left loose, red eyes wide and curious. Was this her? It had to be.

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