[48]- Recovering Concussion

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I step off the plane, the warmth from the early rising sun sending chills through me, I take a deep breath, air filling my lungs before I let it out with a smile forming on my lips. It is so good to be home.

I turned around watching Dolph step off the jet getting his and my luggage from an attendant.

"Its good to be home." I smile turning to him.

"A whole day of relaxation, thank you for inviting me to come with you." He tells me.

"No problem, I need the company anyway, the guys are busy and I just know grams would pester me with all kinds of questions about how I'm going and Hell in a Cell and your reveal to the world that we're together." I grin at the past part.

He mirrors my expression and turns to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "I didn't want to hide it forever, but if your grams has questions I'll give her all the answers she needs." He assures me.

"That is if she accepts me though." He adds.

"Dolph she's gonna love you, and she does already know about you since you got her to make those goodies on our first date remember?" I tell him.

"True but we were dating, now we're together, sometimes parents thinks it's a fling and get protective when it becomes  real." He responds. He did have a point. My dad was like that with Matt.

"You have a point. But if anyone can charm her it's you, you're like the embodiment of Prince Charming." I wrap my hands around his neck. "You have nothing to worry about." I lean up and peck his lips lightly.

"Now, let's go, we've got a long ride ahead of us." I break away from his but he keeps a hold of my hand entwining our fingers as we go to get a taxi.

McMahon Manor

After a two our drive past the city we arrived at the big estate and house.

I get out the car as Dolph gets our stuff from the trunk. "Welcome to the infamous, McMahon Manor!" I exclaim my arms out wide.

"This is where you live?!" He says in shock.

"Well, no this isn't Stephanie and Hunter's house but grams wanted me at her house to recover and well, circumstances doesn't allow me to really be welcomed there." I trail off the last part but he nods understanding.

"You are standing in the yard of Vince McMahon himself." I say.

He looks at me weary. "If I break a glass I won't get fired right?"

I laugh. "If you break a glass who says Vince will find out."

This time he laughs then stops. "But seriously I won't right?"

"Don't be intimidated Dolph it's just a house... that your boss happens to live in but he's not here right now so you're fine." I wave off and walk up the front door.

I don't even knock until it's opened by the one and only Linda McMahon.

"Alexis look at you!" She exclaims pulling me into a hug immediately.

"Hi grams." I greet returning the hug.

My grams and I are really close, she raised me the whole time in Ireland so it's not like we wouldn't be close at all. She may be my grandmother but she's more of a mother than my actual one.

"How are you?" She asks looking at me intently. I could tell with the look that she wanted an explanation for Hell in a Cell but that's not the answer I gave.

"I'm fine, I got dizzy at times with this concussion but it's minor so I'm good." I respond.

"Lord, the amount of concussions I treated and dislocated thumbs I'm surprised you don't have brain damage." She says making me laugh.

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