[10]- The Shield

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Monday Night, Raw

Daniel the new WWE Champion is in the ring with Triple H.

"I am ashamed of you." Hunter starts.

"You have embarassed yourself, you have embarassed the WWE, you entered into a conspiracy with a WWE official, to ensure a fast count so you cpuld become the WWE Champion." He continues.

"This has nothing to do with that!" Daniel shouts off mic.

"Daniel, now you're gonna lie about it, Daniel, i have you leave me no choice, as of this moment i am holding the wwe championship in abades." Hunter says.

The fans began booing heavily, while Daniel shouts in distinctively.

"I am not going to return the Championship to Randy Orton. But Daniel Bryan, as of this moment, you are no longer the WWE Champion." He announces.

"I can understand you're upset. I will investigate this further and possibly their might be a rematch in the future, but as of right now there is no WWE Champion." He declares.

"Now Daniel, i need you to do the right thing since you are no longer Champion, i need you to hand over the WWE Championship belt to me." He extends his hand out saying.

The fans starts rioting and chanting 'No'.

"There is no way, i worked way to hard to get this..." The camera is able to pick up but the rest is drowned out by the fans chants.

"Daniel, I'll speak to you like a man, you have embarassed yourself, you've disgraced yourself, you've digraced the WWE Championship, you have disgraced your family, I would've thought Shawn taught you better than this. Daniel you are no longer the WWE Champion, hand over to me the WWE Championship belt, or i will take it from you."

Daniel starts shaking his head and saying no.

I hear voices in my head, they council to me they understand they talk to me

Randy made his way down the ramp and in the ring.

Once again Hinter repeats his statement and asks Daniel to hand over the belt and that there is no Champion.

Randy ended up RKOing him when he refused to give it up.

WWE Exclusive:

"Alex! Alex! What do you think of the news hard earlier tonight by Triple H?" Renee asks.

"Well, Renee, I honestly don't know, I mean alot of people saw the fast count but obviously it's not Bryan's fault, the Authority just needed a way to not have him as the Champ." I reply.

"And what about where you stand in all this, you know, if he won at Night of Champions, you wouldn't join the Sheild, but since everything way that happened do you think that stipulation will have any affect on you, making you join the Sheild or not?" She asks her next question.

"I did think about that alot since last night and I really don't know what to expect at this point, with Stephanie, the Authority and everything. I'm kinda just gonna keep my head up and think positively going into all of this, try not to lose my cool, and whatever happens, happens, I won't be thrilled with joining the Sheild but it is completely out of my hands." I explain.

"Well thank you Alex for this brief interview I hope things go your way tonight and all works out." She smiles at me saying.

I nod and walk away as she turns back to the camera giving her final words before it stops.


Stephanie is currently in the ring, getting booed, you know? The usual.

"Tonight we have seen a drastic measured being taken." She says sympathetically referring to what happened to Daniel Bryan earlier.

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