2 | apologies

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I sighed considering my options. Rory's guardian didn't want to press charges, but my principal on the other hand wanted to take it personally. 

"You write her a speech in present in front of the class where the incident happened, or do community service and get a record." she stated.

Obviously, I'm not trying to screw up any further, so I choose the first one.

I had till the Friday after next week to write it.

Maybe I was too kind for feeling bad for her, because of what I was about to do, but she deserved it. 

I had a plan in the work for my expose speech.


School became relatively boring after everything had happened, people were talking about the gym incident but it had died down after a couple days.

So I was left to myself, going to lunch was kinda getting awkward since Rory and her suck-ups were ignoring me, and I wasn't friends with many others in the cafeteria. I decided to relocate to the library, I found a  little corner where no one was around to disturb me.

I started scrolling mindlessly through Tiktok when I felt a pair of eyes burning into my back. I glanced over trying to look like I was just stretching so who-ever was staring wouldn't notice.

This curly haired girl was looking my way intently, and whispered something to the guy that was next to her. He looked up from the top of her head, which he was resting his chin on, towards me. 

I quickly turned away in case they were looking at someone else. There was a window behind me, and it was the 2nd floor, so I realized it was me. 

By the time I looked back at them, the girl was already walking towards me. 

I got up look I didn't see her, and starting walking away, pretending I got a text from my friend. I seriously did want any questions about the situation.


I fumbled with my keys a little bit trying to open the door to my house, when I finally got in, closing and locking the door behind me, I set my back down on the floor, and tried not to drop to the ground and take a big ass nap. 

I tripped over something as I felt for the light switch but I didn't are since it was probably my one of my dad's beer bottle as they usually end up on the floor with him.


(authors note, don't mean this don't send me to hell Jesus, please and thank you )

The entire place was trashed, papers on the floor, cupboards and cabinet doors open, spilled food, and broken vases, it looked like a chopper just flew through my house.

"Dad, where are you?", I called out trying to step my way through the mess, I walked into his office to find the smell of a cigarette lingering in the air, and my brother sitting on a chair, smoking and going through my extra money stash.

"Oh, he said he was going to the bar, don't mind me though." he said as he grabbed a $20 bill and walked past me heading out to the front door. I shoved him aside, and blocked his exit. "What the absolute fuck do you think your doing here, Ezra?" I screamed at his face.


authors note

DAMNNN, she really cannot catch a break, lmao, anyways, make sure to vote and follow, love you so much for the support! this chapter was smaller but sorta a filler/background for what is going to happen in the next chapters.

xoxo, cherry

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