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Take it from this point on that Kira is always out in familiar form.

"So Kurenai Sensei is pregnant? That's such good news!!"

Your teammates nod. "Isn't it. Their deciding on us a Sensei. Although I heard they are considering you f/n."Hinata says making your eyes widen.


"Your a Jonin, the only one on this team. It's either you or Aiha Sensei."

"I'd prefer Aiha Sensei, it's a lot of pressure being the sensei."

"Your not scared of anything yet Your scared of being team leader?" Kiba laughs. You glare at him.

"Excuse me I'm not scared! It's just a lot of pressure and I'm scared of a lot of things thank you. Top of my list are spiders."

Kiba starts to Laugh. Shino sighs "They really are misunderstood."

You point your finger at him "Misunderstood or not that can all burn!!"

Shino frowns "Thats abit excessive and offensive."

"Yet you will take on a hord of rouge ninjas no problem. What if one day we run into a giant spider."

"I will keep it as a pet." Shino says making you shiver.

"No sir.. nope... I'll fire ball it's creepy butt."

"We are clearly at odds here." Shino says sighing

"Sorry Shino, Spiders are small but scary."

"It's fine. No one can be as cool with bugs like me."

Just then Kurenai Sensei appears.

"Sensei! Congratulations on your little one!" You tell her. She smiles.

"Thank you. As you know I no longer can continue my role as team leader while expecting. I've thought this over and came to a conclusion. F/n will fill in while I'm gone.

Your eyes widen.

"Are you okay with that f/n?" She asks you. You take a moment to think.

"S-Sure. It's a big step up but a honor. I'll accept."

Kiba frowns "but you said—" you jab him with your elbow knocking the wind out of him.

"I'll gladly take on the role."

Kurenai smiles "I'm glad. The teams in good hands."

"I'm surprised you didn't asks Aiha Sensei or Kakashi Sensei since Yamato Sensei is taking over team 7."

Kurenai sighs "Technically Team 7 has two senseis and Kakashi isn't free. Aiha would be a perfect choice but she's unfamiliar with you all. As for you f/n your a jonin and perfectly fit in this team because it's your own. I believe you can handle it better than Aiha."

"Oh, ok then."

Kurenai smiles "now then let's train."

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