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Days pass and more people pile in. Gais team, Asumas team and lastly Kakashis team. You could tell something was off especially since Sakura came back with short hair.

It's The next part of the exam and you all stand in a small arena building.

"If any of you don't want to participate you can back out now. Raise your hand if so."

You stand infront of Kiba. Infront of you is Kabuto and he raises his hand. The others from the sound village back out too. Kabuto has zero reason to back out but does anyway.

"Alright, the boarded will pick who you are up against. Fist one who is defeated is out of the exams and the Winner continues to the next round."

You look at your grandpa as the rules are explained, Aiha stands beside him. He sends you a sly wink.

Watch me make you proud.

The board starts its Gamble as you stand by Kurenai and your teammates.

Your eyes widen.

"F/n Makami vs Mina Shiru."

You look at the rain village to see a girl with long black hair and blue eyes walk to the center of the room you too do the same. Genma approaches.

"Alright, you know the rules. When one of you is no longer able to batter the winner will be decided. BEGIN."

Mina jumps back and throws three Kunais at you to which you deflect with your Katanas.

"Let's make this quick." You say and smirk as she makes hand signs.

Kira lend me your eyes.

Before she can finish her last hands sign you jump infront of her this throws her off guard and she makes eye contact. The moment she makes eye contact with you her sign making stops and the room goes quiet.

"What's happening?! What's wrong with Mina."

"F/n's Eyes! D-Do you see that?! Lee says. Everyone is now staring at you and your eyes.

"That's right.. let me take over. Put your hands down." Mina slowly lowers her hands. You smirk as Kira's eyes stare right back at you from Mina.

"Now for the final blow.. Pain." Your eyes widen slightly as Mina let's out a curdled scream. It was so loud it echos through the room. Her scream lasts almost a minute before she collapses to the floor unconscious. You look from her to the people in the stands they jump at your stare. You then look at your grandpa he doesn't flinch. Genma steps farward and checks Mina.

"Mina is unable to battle. F/n Makami wins!"

You blink getting your eyes back.

Minas Sensei carry's her back to the side line. Not before looking at you who now stands beside Kiba.

"I didn't have to cause her pain but it was the easiest way to knock her out."

Kiba looks at you "You did what you had too."

You nod and look at Minas Team.

"Next is Shiro Hitoshi and Fin Adrenei."

You watch as Shiro Minas teammate walks to the center of the room with a limp. Fin is from the cloud.


You take a seat onto the ground and close your eyes you didn't mean to fall asleep but you did.


You woke up in your bed confused. You yawn and sit up. Aiha sits in the chair in the corner.

"Aiha Sensei.. why am I here? What happened at the exams?"

Aiha smiles at you "Don't worry you won. You fell asleep. You must have been very sleepy because you slept for a day and a half."

You frown "Really? Hold on who went through?"

Aiha goes through every detail of who lost and who won.

"So Lee and Kiba lost?"

She nods "Yes, your the only one from your team that one. I have a theory of who you are facing in the next round."


"Her name Turi Satori. She's the small blond hair blue eyed rain ninja with the scythe. All her teammates lost except for her."

"I see, what's her specialty?"

"From what I see she doesn't have a Kekkei genkai but she's skilled. Anyway do you want to visit Kiba and Lee in the hospital?"

You nod and climb out of bed "yes, let me get a shower and get some flowers for them."

Gaara broke Lees leg.. at least he didn't mangle his body like he did the other guys.

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