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To find Aiha you look for her chakra.
You have a great sensitivity to chakra.

Finally you catch onto her scent and You see Aiha sitting on a bench in the park reading a necromancy book.

"Aiha sensei!!"

At her name she turns around.

"F/n! Your back! How did it go?"

You run up to her and take a seat beside her.

"It was alright, things turned out well. The client was a bit much though."

"Well that's what a class B mission is all about. Don't you want to rest?"

You shake your head "no it's quite the opposite. I'd like you to train me if you have time."

Aiha puts away her book "Of course I have time. How about you take on my necromancy. I have a few things in mind. It won't be easy though."

"I'm up for it. Let's go."

-at the training ground-

"Okay this test is a game of combat and wits. I do warn you he's powerful."

You tilt your head "he?"

Aiha nods. She opens her necromancy book then touches the ground. Suddenly a creature appears. It's in the form of a skeleton and it holds a staff with a blue orb on the top. The skeletons eyes glow blue. His body has a black robe draped over it. The feeling it gives off screams death.

"This is Eril, he's a sorcerer. He's a B class summon. You have to figure out how to defeat him. The test begins now!!"

You take out you Katanas and jump back. You watch as Eril holds his staff in the air and sways it back and forth. Suddenly a blue portal opens next to him and 8 tigers the same color as his eyes pop out. You take notice that They are of the undead. Then Quickly they surround you.

"Okay, here Kitty Kittys." The tigers let out loud roars and then pounce on you all at once. You jump out of the way by flipping over them And You managed to slice one of the tigers.

You fleeing has little effect on the tigers as they grow bigger and faster. Just as you land one suddenly comes from below and bites your leg. Then two more move quickly and bite both of your arms. You wince as their teeth dig into your flesh and hit bone.

"Aaahaha!! Get off!!"

Then Eril summons another Tiger this time it's half the size bigger. It stalks around you like it's hunting prey. You are a highly trained ninja and you should be able to take control of the situation but the tigers are made of something that makes them stronger. You try to move but this makes the tigers bite down harder. Aiha watches carefully to see what you can do.

You look at your spare foot.

Maybe I can create a hole setting them off balance.

Use me

You ignore Kira and focus all your chakra into your leg. You lift it up high then slam it down. Sure enough a massive hole forms beneath you and the tigers let go. You take this chance to twirl and slice each tiger across the throat. The tigers fall at the same time.

You examine your wounds knowing they will heal soon but it still hurts. Your suddenly brought out of your thoughts by the large tiger. The large tiger raises it two paws off the ground then stomps creating a ripple through the ground throwing you back. As your down Eril summons more tigers.

"I can't win against these animals.. I need to go for the source of their creation."

You eye Eril from a far then eye his staff.

"I have to get there but I have to get passed these guys first."

As the tigers surround you squint your eyes at eril.

Maybe I can use these tigers to my advantage.

You take out a few Kunais with paper bombs on it and toss them to where the largest tiger stands. With a explosion it lets out a wail. Dirt clouds the area blocking the other tigers sight. You take your opportunity and make it passed the tigers but you don't go far as the Large tiger has caught up to you. You had hoped this would happen. You now stand a few feet in front of eril. You turn to face the large tiger. You watch as it gets ready to pounce you. It launches it self into the air aiming right for you but like you planned you roll out of the way and it pounces on Eril instead. Eril drops his staff as he's pinned to the floor by the large tiger. Quickly you run to the staff which lays lonesome on the ground. You pick it up and smirk as Eril looks at you from the corner of his glowing blue sockets.

"Nooo!" He screams but it's too late. You raise the staff over your knee then slam it down breaking it in half. You watch as the tigers disappear and so does Eril. You look at Aiha with deep breaths.

"That was fun sensei."

"Yes, it took you some time to figure it all out but you did well. How are your wounds?"

You look at your blood covered arms and leg. "All healed."

"Alright, I think that's enough for today. Let's get you home."

I got this idea from elder scrolls online. They have a boss similar to these tigers.

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