Typical lads night

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Here you go babes. x

Harry was a nervous wreck when he stood on Louis' front porch about to knock on the door. He had no idea why he had agreed to come over when Niall had called him half an hour ago- was it because he had practically forced him to come or because he wanted to see Louis and maybe somehow get the chance to put their fight or whatever that was to rest because he was feeling guilty for just throwing such a huge thing at Louis and then leaving without a word, he wasn't sure- but he was dead scared of Louis' reaction seeing him. He didn't know if he even knew that Harry was coming over and that made him almost lose his mind after how they separated earlier.

He forced his doubts away and lifted his hand knocking lightly. His hands started trembling and the longer he waited the more he came to the conclusion how stupid it was of him to actually drive over and was just about to turn around and leave again when the door opened. Almost instantly a wall of noises slapped in his face, music was filling his ears along with laughter paired with loud angry voices as Niall stood in front of him grinning widely.

"Harry! Hey, come in." He grabbed his arm and pulled him inside throwing the door shut behind them.

"W-wait." Harry said panicked and stopped him in the entrance area. "Do the others know I'm here?"

"Of course they know, we know everything. And yes, Louis knows as well." Niall grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh god." Harry breathed out when he picked up on Niall's knowing face. "How do you know?"

"Please. It was obvious." Niall laughed. "Well, actually I didn't get it. The others told me, you know I'm an oblivious fucker."

"Everyone knows? Oh god!" Harry pressed out shocked and turned around already to leave as quick as possible but Niall grabbed him again.

"Oh no, don't you dare being a coward now!" He pulled him further into the house unfazed when Harry pressed his weight against him. "By the way. I want to know everything. All the dirty details."

"Niall!" He whined.

"Nope. Don't be a baby. Loosen up, tonight will be fun." Niall said nonchalantly. "And if not let's just get pissed and you tell me all about your little affair. With all the details."

Before Harry could even open his mouth to send him to hell they were standing in the living room where the boys were gathered around the couch. Liam and Zayn were sitting on the cream coloured leather couch just playing a racing game on the PlayStation trying to distract the other by shoving each other or fumbling into the controllers. Louis was sitting on the floor with his back against the couch between them commenting how they should drive and giving them tips clearly amused by their disability of properly handling their cars what caused him more slaps on the back of his head by both of them than not.

"Hey, Harry." Zayn glanced at him quickly just before snapping his eyes back to the screen when Liam laughed out triumphantly.

Harry quietly greeted back being uncomfortable because he felt a pair of eyes on him and he knew exactly who they belonged to and when his gaze wandered over to him his suspicion proved to be right when Louis was staring at him but quickly looked to the screen again and Harry's thorax got pulled together painfully.

Niall pushed him over to the other couch that was standing next to the one the others were sitting on but rotated so both furnitures created an 'L'.

"What is this?" Harry pointed to the game when they were seated.

"You don't know Need for Speed? Jesus, Harry, are you living under a rock?" Niall exclaimed.

"Leave him alone, not everyone is spending their entire days eating shit and playing video games." Zayn snorted.

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