Revelations pt. 2

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Quick side note: I have no profound knowledge about what's the exact procedure in court or the exact wording etc, etc...I always try to keep everything as realistic and truthful to real life as possible, but I barely found anything about that topic during my research so be lenient. :)
With that happy reading. x

The door opened and Anne stepped into the room with her head held high and quick steps, walking along the short course, her heels clicking on the light flooring. The blood in Harry's veins froze and he instantly thought the worst- she wanted to ruin everything for them.

"Baby, calm down." Louis grabbed his hand under the table seeing how hard he was shaking.

"W-what i-is she-"

"I don't know." Louis sighed defeated and he couldn't blame Harry for being close to freaking out.

This whole process was a disaster for them so far and he doubted it would get better. He couldn't explain why their lawyer would do this and what his intentions were, he had thought they could trust him seeing as he was their family lawyer for a long time now, but right now he couldn't sort his thoughts and didn't know what to believe.

He ventured a glance over his shoulder and to his friends who were looking just as baffled as him and Liam lightly shrugged at him as if to ask him what the hell was going on, but judging by the look on Louis' face he had no idea himself.

When Louis turned back Anne just sat down on the podium next to the judges table and he felt Harry tensing, but he was quick to rub circles on the back of his hand with his thumb to calm him down. The judge turned to Anne with an unreadable expression on his face, reading out her personal details, which she briefly confirmed.

"Mrs. Cox, may I remind you that you are testifying here under oath. Everything you say must be true. Do you understand that?" He asked.

"Yes, your honour." Anne answered with a nod.

"Are you standing in any relation to Mr. Styles, Mr. Tomlinson or Mr. Brown?" The judge continued.

"Yes. Harry-" She paused, not sure if she was supposed to say his first name or not, so she nodded at him slightly, accompanied by a small, sad smile. "-is my son."

"Can you tell us what you know about the happenings and how you got involved in them?" The judge asked.

Anne sat up straight folding her hands together on the table when every gaze was on her. She cleared her throat and started to tell the entire story she already told Louis. Her eyes fell on Harry when she was done explaining everything they knew already and she smiled at him slightly with a sympathetic but pained look on her face, just hoping she could end this torture for them soon.

"After hearing about the conversation between them and knowing what it was most likely about I wanted to make enquiries to somehow help my son. I asked Mike to meet up so we could talk about everything and when he excused himself and left his phone on the table I took my chance. I found text messages between him and Trevor, they planned a ruse so the verdict would turn out in Trevor's fav-"

"Objection! Nothing but assumptions and hearsay!" Trevor's lawyer interrupted her, jumping out of his seat angrily.

"Objection overruled." The judge said and looked at Anne. "Please continue, Mrs. Cox."

" I took pictures of the conversation as well as a screen recording..." She looked at Mr. Evans who got up with a folder in his hand, gazes turning to him now.

"Do you allow the evidence to be shown, your honour?" Mr. Evans asked and the judge permitted it with a wave of his hand.

Mr. Evans stepped in front of the jury and handed them the text messages out waiting for them to all see them.

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