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"W-what do you want?" Harry stammered looking at Trevor who was still smirking and a cold shiver ran down his spine.

"Just wanted to say hello. I coincidentally saw you from the other side of the street and thought we could chat." Trevor smiled innocently.

"I have nothing to say to you." Harry spat and snatched his goods from the counter about to leave as quick as possible but Trevor grabbed his arm. "I'm gonna scream." He threatened but Trevor only pursed his lips.

"No, you don't." He hissed. "I'm telling you what we do now. We go outside and talk. I tell you what I want and you do it, or I'm afraid something bad could happen to your precious princess."

"I swear to god, if you-" Harry started but Trevor shushed him immediately.

"Uh, uh. Come with me and nobody gets harmed." He smiled.

Harry wanted to scream, to run away, to punch him, but he didn't have a choice. He took a deep breath before he followed Trevor outside and they sat down on a nearby bench.

"Don't you want to eat your breakfast?" Trevor pointed to the paper bag Harry clutched onto in fear.

"What do you want from me?" He ignored his question. He was surprised his voice was relatively steady when he was close to bursting out crying.

"First you should calm down, it's not good for the baby." Trevor said.

"How do you know?" Harry snapped with balled fists.

"That's irrelevant." Trevor said nonchalantly. "To be honest I was a bit shocked that you already expect a baby when you aren't even together for a long time. Are you sure it will work out this time? Or will you run away again?" He tilted his head to the side smiling expectantly.

"Shut up." Harry gritted out.

"Are you even sure it's Louis'? Maybe it's mine." Trevor continued smiling what made Harry even angrier.

"It's his baby. I would've never risked to get pregnant with your child. He is the only one I want kids with." Harry snapped.

"Mhm, I see." Trevor tapped his chin seemingly deep in thought.

"Why are you stalking me? What do you want? Are you bitter because I left you?" Harry had enough of this game. On the inside he was trembling, but his anger overweighed it right now and he was glad about it.

"Surprisingly it doesn't have anything to do with you this time. To be fair, it actually hurts me that you're pregnant with another man's child- especially Louis'- and so soon after we broke up, but I know I can't change your mind, I'm not that dumb." Trevor said casually.

"What is it then?" Harry asked impatiently, just wanting to leave.

"I want you to help me." Trevor shrugged.

"With what?" Harry pressed out, a bad feeling erupted in the pit of his stomach and the blood in his veins froze.

"Ruining Louis' life." Trevor grinned.

Harry's eyes grew comically wide and he instantly shook his head.

"No. No, you're sick! Stay away from him or I swear I will go to the police and they will lock you away!" He choked out and got up ready to leave.

"If you don't sit back down within the next five seconds, this morning in front of the kindergarten was the last time you saw your daughter. I'm dead serious, Harry. Sit down." Trevor gritted out.

Harry was close to crying. He was scared shitless and he just wanted to go home and hide under the blanket or cry in Louis' arms, but he had no choice. He knew how dangerous Trevor could be, he had proven that more than once already and just thinking about possibly putting Ava in danger made him sick in his stomach, so he took a deep breath and sat back down slowly.

My ex boyfriend. | l.s. (mpreg)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant