A step into the right direction

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I have zero motivation continuing this story right now so I don't know if I even want to do that in the future. I've been thinking about it a lot lately, but I didn't come to a conclusion yet...I try to continue it for as good and as long as possible but I feel like the chapters are getting shittier with every update and I don't want to give you such shit just to finish the story. Maybe I will find new motivation, maybe not. But I will definitely keep you in the loop.

For now I try to carry on, but please don't expect too frequent updates... Thanks for understanding, I love you. <3

"Daddy?" Louis groaned and turned away from Ava, pressing his face into his pillow. "Daddy, daddy, daddy?" He groaned again and pulled the duvet over his head.

He was only half awake but he still felt the duvet lifting and shortly after Ava was crawling under it and climbed over him so she was pressed against his stomach.

"Hi, daddy." She grinned up at him. Louis squeezed his eyes shut even tighter and turned on his back without intending to emerge from under the duvet. Ava was quick to climb on his stomach and leaned forward so her nose was touching his. "Daddy." She giggled.

Louis groaned again. "What?" He grumbled as he opened one eye and glared at his daughter with furrowed eyebrows.

"Mornin'." Ava chirped.

"Morning. You're a nuisance, you know that?" Louis muttered and pushed the duvet away so they were able to breathe fresh air.

"No you." Ava giggled.

"You are the one who woke me up, so you are." Louis mumbled.

"Bu' we've to go play wif Mr. Hawwy." Ava pouted.

Louis froze for a moment at Ava still addressing Harry as that even though she had told him yesterday she would call him papa, but he guessed she just had to get around to it and he decided to not address it for now. He'd give her the time she needed, she was only three years old after all.

"Bub, I have to work for a bit. We go to the playground after, okay? And anyway you have to go to kindergarten." Louis said now more awake and sat up against the headboard, holding Ava so she couldn't fall off in the movement.

"No! Don' wanna." Ava grumbled and crossed her arms.

"Your bad." Louis grinned.

"Daddy, no!" Ava exclaimed and slapped her hands on his chest. Louis was quick to grab them and held them in place.

"Stop with the attitude, you can't change it anyway." Louis pulled a face at her and rubbed his nose against hers.

She pouted but couldn't suppress a giggle. She freed one of her hands from Louis' grip and pinched his hip, giggling again when Louis gasped.

"You didn't just do that you little monster." Louis said darkly. He pushed her off his stomach and she landed on the mattress face first laughing out loudly. Louis wasted no time tickling her and she screamed and squealed through the entire house.

"Daddy, stop!" She laughed and tried to push him away.

"Will you accept that you go to kindergarten?" Louis asked as he gave her a break and she panted heavily.

"No." She said grinning and Louis attacked her again. "Yes, I go! Yes, I go daddy!" She screamed and gave up after a minute.

"You sure?" Louis quirked an eyebrow at her.

"Y-yes." She laughed.

"Good." Louis nodded satisfied and leaned back, pulling her to the edge of the bed and throwing her over his shoulder. Ava squealed, holding onto his back. "Let's get dressed." He said nonchalantly, exiting the bedroom.

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