A long overdue conversation

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Harry just stared at his phone and gulped at the message he had received from Louis ten minutes ago. He had no idea if he was just messing with him- maybe he was drunk or something- or if he meant it but what he knew was that the million butterflies that went crazy in his stomach were completely inappropriate right now in this situation just hours after Louis' boyfriend- who was actually his ex boyfriend by now, Louis had told them after Liam and Niall had left- just moved to the other side of the world.

He got ripped out of his thoughts when his phone started ringing and he stopped breathing for a second when he saw Louis' name on the screen choking on his spit. With shaking hands he accepted the call and swallowed thickly.

"H-hello?" He greeted and wanted to punch himself in the face for his nervous voice.

"Hey." Louis said quietly. "I just wanted to say sorry for being so straight forward with my text. It was a stupid idea anyway, just forget it, okay?" He was already about to hang up again not even knowing why he had called in the first place when Harry quickly got himself together not wanting to waste the chance of clearing a lot of things up with Louis.

"No! No, it's fine. I, uh..." He looked around himself searching for an excuse. "I dropped a glass and uh, had to pick it up quickly, I was just about to text you back."

"Oh." Louis said surprised. "Oh, okay. And...what?" He held his breath anxious for Harry's answer.

"Well, I don't have any plans tonight anymore judging by the time, so..." Harry chuckled lightly.

Louis frowned and took the phone off his ear to look at the time and his eyes grew wide when he saw it was already half past eleven.

"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry, I didn't even realise it was that late already." He apologised quickly.

"No, it's fine." Harry smiled. "Do you still want to meet up or rather tomorrow or whenever?"

"If it's not too late for you, sure." Louis shrugged although Harry couldn't see him.

"No, not at all. I suppose I come over and Ava's not sleeping elsewhere?" Harry guessed and already got up to pick out something to wear.

"Yeah, is that alright? Should I pick you up?" Louis asked.

"No, it's fine. Niall left me his car, so I could be there in fifteen minutes?"

"Alright. See you in fifteen." Louis said before he hung up.

Harry ripped the closet doors open and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and threw a knitted sweater over his head before rushing to the bathroom to tame the mop on his head. Within five minutes he was out of the house and sped down the street. When he parked in Louis' driveway his hands started sweating and his heart pumped in his chest rapidly. He took a deep breath gripping onto the steering wheel tightly before he exited the car and walked over to the door with slow steps.

He knocked and waited rubbing his hands over his jeans repeatedly and his breath hitched when the light was turned on in the hallway. He had never been this nervous seeing Louis, not even when he had visited him in his office after seeing him a day after Zayn's birthday and he didn't even know why. It was probably because it was the first time since their break up that Louis actually wanted to talk to him about anything else than Ava.

The door opened and Louis appeared in sight wearing gray Kappa sweats and a dark green Gucci hoodie and Harry once more couldn't help his upcoming jealousy of Louis being able to practically afford anything he wanted while he could barely pay for his groceries.

"Hey. Come in." Louis smiled slightly and stepped aside to let him enter. "Do you want anything to drink?" He asked.

"Uh, no thank you." Harry smiled slightly. He followed Louis into the living room fiddling with his sweater paws nervously.

My ex boyfriend. | l.s. (mpreg)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang