It's a green and white varsity jacket with a C on the back for his real name, Clay.

"This is perfect," he smiles

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"This is perfect," he smiles. "Thanks, Sapnap!"

Sapnap grins as he rolls up his sleeves to show at least 7 of Dream's watches lined up on his arm.

"Don't mention it," he giggles. Dream rolls his eyes and grabs the slice of toast which is stone cold.

"Put it back when you're done!" he calls over his shoulder.

After heading into the bathroom, Dream fixes his hair before just pushing it into whatever makeshift style and sprits himself with cologne.

As he walks out, Sapnap tosses him two guns and two knives.


Shit, completely forgot about weapons.

He catches two in each hand and tucks them away.


The air is crisp and slightly cool but the sun shines brightly overhead. The cafe is a five-minute drive so Dream decides to take his black SUV.

The road is relatively busy with the usual Florida traffic but Dream zips around them. Several cars honk angrily and he gets several middle fingers from people but he just smirks.

Not my fault you can't find creative ways to get things done.

He parks a few blocks away from the cafe and checks his watch.


Not bad. Still late though.

Cappuccino and Cake comes into view and he smiles. It's a cute, small coffee shop with a light brown and white awning.

He peers into the window and notices Y/N sitting at a table for two by the left wall.

His hands begin to sweat and he dries them on his pants.

Why am I nervous?

Then again, what if she decides to kidnap me again? She is a mafia leader after all.

Taking a deep breath, he pushes open the glass door, letting the bell jingle behind him.

He strides over to Y/N's table and feels everyone's eyes turn on him. Here was a tall, dirty blond male, who radiated confidence and authority.

A group of girls sitting at a table peer over the menu and giggle quietly amongst themselves. Dream ignores them and smiles warmly as he sits down opposite Y/N.

"You're late," she says, taking a sip of her coffee and setting it down.

"Sapnap kept me," Dream says. "He was worried you'd kidnap me."

"Maybe I will," Y/N smirks.

"Don't try it," Dream whispers in a low tone. "I have two guns and two knives on me."

Y/N grins.

"I have four."

He growls softly and scans her, noting any possible locations. Although he finds nothing, he takes a moment to examine her outfit.

She's wearing a white crop top and a back-cropped hoodie with high-waisted black jeans which flare out at the bottom. A single silver necklace glitters at her throat with a pendant shaped like a pair of wings. Her fingers rest against the table with a few sparkly silver rings on them as well. Her nails are slightly long and painted black with specks of silver glitter scattered within.

Dream's eyes travel up her body and to her face. She's smirking.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," she teases. Dream scoffs.

"Was just analyzing."

Y/N hums in approval but their conversation is cut short by a waitress approaching.

Y/N orders a caramel Frappuccino with a slice of strawberry cake. Dream orders a raspberry cappuccino with a piece of chocolate cake.

The waitress nods and leaves while the two of them resume their conversation.

"You make quite the entrance," Y/N muses. Dream glances over his shoulder to see the group of girls quickly withdraw behind the menu. They had been carefully analyzing the upside-down menu for at least five minutes now.

"You'd probably do the same," he mutters. Y/N smiles. "If it was all men."

"They are less subtle about it, at least these girls know how to control themselves. I'm used to it."

Dream nods and glances down.

Must have been hard. All that attention for so many years. I wonder how hard it was for her to trust anyone.

She's been hurt so much.

Yet she's taking a chance with me.

Do I want her?


She kidnapped me and constantly targets my mafia.

But if we're together, we'll be unstoppable.

Then maybe one day, I can control the Black Crows Mafia.

The waitress comes back and Y/N leans closer to whisper something into her ear. She nods and immediately walks off.

"What did you ask her?" Dream asks.

Y/N glances over at the table of girls again who are whispering amongst themselves.

"Asked for the food to go. Those girls are ruining the mood."

Dream had to agree. He could feel their eyes on him, even with his back turned.

The waitress returns with two brown boxes which she packs the cakes in. Y/N drops a fifty dollar bill on the table and grabs her cup, nodding for Dream to stand up as well.

He does so, grabbing his food and drink.

They pass the table of girls who eye Dream as they leave.

"So weird," Dream says, once they're outside. "Where are we going now?"

Y/N glances up at him and smiles.

"I know a place."

Dream shudders at her smile.


1, 392 words

Where is Y/N taking him?

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

Mafia King and Queen - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now