Ranger Preferences: When Reader ask them about having a family

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Ashley Hammond: She was blushing mess as she sometimes think about having one with you, but she was still flustered to answer and accidentally mumbled something that you couldn't understand what she said.

Zhane: It didn't click on to him for a second until he caught on as he hasn't thought about it, but is willing to do so for you relationship building up.

Leo Corbett: It took him by suprise when you said that as he does accept it, but he was also excited to have a family with you.

Kai Chen: He accidentally dropped his pan with the food on it as it caught him off guard as you help him. He's alright having a family with you and takes the responsibility.

Kendrix Morgan: " O-Oh a family... well um...I-I mean s-sure." She got a tad bit embarrassed when you mentioned it.

Damian Henderson: He hit his head in the machine he's trying to fix while rubbing his head. He told you that he's cool with it and if it's a chance to be with you.

Maya: She got flustered as she doesn't know how to react I mean she loves you with all her heart, but the next step would be a bit overwhelming for her. " yes!" She said with pride to be with you.

Karone: She was suprise that you asked her that as she's cool with it, but was sort of afraid that she wouldn't be a good parent after what she did in the past. You told her that you'll be there for her no matter what happens.

Mike Corbett: He was cool with it since he thought about having a family with you also know you were going to ask that question.

Carter Grayson: It took him by suprise as he'll look away for a moment. He said " Someday" like waiting for a moment as he does want to have a family with you.

Chad Lee: He accidentally trip as he hasn't thought about having a family, but was unsure how to answer it. He will do it if they will wait until marriage he didn't propose yet.

Joel Rawlings: He was cool with it if both of you get married and wait for awhile. Just straight into the point.

Kesley Winslow: " Of course." She said with confidence since she wants to be with you, but on the inside she's screaming intensely of embarrassment.

Dana Mitchell:" A family?....um." she didn't show that much emotion to the question, but she's willing to take responsibility for whatever happens and then be a good Mom.

Ryan Mitchell: He accepted it to have a family with you if you get married. He missed out throughout his childhood and is willing to do anything to be a good Dad and be with you.

Wes Collins: " I didn't even ask for marriage yet." He said as he didn't even propose to you yet. He was planning just have a simple future with you nothing much.

Lucas Kendall: This guy keeps his cool at all times, but when you asked him about having a family he was a bit on cloud 9 it just suprise him. All that he's looking forward to have a family.

Katie Walker: She giggled a bit at you saying that she'll have a family, but she gets to teach them strength when they get older as it's a deal. At least she said yes.

Trip: He squeak a little bit as he thought about the future with you as he really does like you a lot. He was mumbling something out of flustered as you couldn't understand what he said.

Jen Scotts: She stared at you for a moment before walking away for a moment as she has mix feelings about this after what happened with Alex. She really wants to be with you and be a family, but she was scared about the incident. You calmed her down which left a smile smile on her face.

Eric Myers: He hasn't really thought about having a family as he looked away from you for a moment not being rude just didn't know what to say. It will take him some time to think about it before accepting the offer.

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