Some Sunny Day (pt.18)

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  The Day of Unity is officially upon us, and the best laid plans have fallen through.

I swallow as we enter the cave on the head, walking towards Belos and possibly death.

But this isn't where we left off, is it. Allow me to rewind a bit.

Once upon a time, there was a pair of witches named (Y/N) and Hunter- those witches, of course, being me and my best friend.

We sat outside in the snow laughing and grinning and being hopeful, and we listened to the adults who would save us, and then Luz was gone being a martyr, and now my arm hurts-

I swallow and move forwards, trying desperately to ignore the tears that blur my vision.

Hunter squeezes my hand, a similar pained grimace on his face. "It's gonna be okay," He says, and I have a funny feeling that he's trying to convince himself more than he's trying to convince me.

"Oh how the tables have turned." I smile, attempting a joke. He smiles back but it doesn't reach his eyes.

Willow takes my other hand. "Hey (L/N), Caleb- you guys ready to take down Belos?"

I grin, trying hard to sound tough. "I've been ready since I was twelve, Park."

"That's the spirit." She grins back, and I smile for real this time.

Yeah...yeah. We could do this.

"We. Don't. Belong here!" Yells an ever-familiar voice, echoing off the walls of the cavern, and suddenly my mind is in the throne room again and I'm just a kid and Hunter is leering at me behind his mask-

I swallow again, and Hunter is not leering at me but staring in worry with his eyebrows knitted together.

I cough. "Sorry." I say, and although I mean it, I'm not sure that I can go into the cave, even to save Luz-

But I have to. I'll hate myself forever if I don't.

I squeeze his hand and nod silently, and he nods back.

"Oi Belos! You looking to finally get ya-self that tricycle? I've heard they're all over the Human Realm!" I yell, slipping on a mask not unlike the one I lost in Latissa half a year ago.

The goopy, sinewy, muddy thing that threatens Luz looks unlike the Belos I once knew. I choke back the bile in my throat and step forwards as it glares at me.

"Ooh, now your outside finally matches your inside, huh, old man?" I grin, and he moves towards me only to get caught in Willow's vines.

"We're here to help!" She yells, waving at Luz.

Amity nods. "Did you really think we wouldn't follow you?"

Luz beams.

"Yeah girl, get with it." Gus says cooly.

"You guys are literally the coolest!" Luz grins.

"Hell yeah we are," I say, tossing my head. Hunter rolls his eyes, smiling weakly.

"Classic Ego." He teases, although there's something scared and animalistic behind his eyes that reminds me of when we were back in the coven all those months ago. I'm willing to bet that the fear is reflected in mine.

"We have to get him to stop the draining spell, but he's all...berserk mad!" Luz yells, and he struggles with the vines.

To my terror, he meets my eyes, and I find myself staring into horrifying blue voids.

ⓜⒶŁLⓔΔᗷˡ𝔼 M𝕖𝐭ⓐ𝕃ş (Golden Guard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now